Monday, January 27, 2020

Impact of Privatization on Firms Performance

Impact of Privatization on Firms Performance 1.0 Introduction Privatization throughout the 1980s has been considered to be the solutions to the problems associated State Owned Enterprise (SOE)s both in the developed and developing economies and even in the socialist economies (Vickers and Yarrow 1995). In reality privatization is an economies policy and other times a political policy that is difficult to achieve mostly when is implemented in a corrupt setting like in most developing countries. However it is wise for a competitive and well regulated business environment structure to be established before privatization takes place. In recent times there has been a significant increase in the privatization of SOEs. Megginson et al (2004), suggest that political persuasion by government as a result of poor and unsatisfactory financial and operational results by SOEs has cause the transfer of ownership to private investor who will impact their business discipline in order to improve the level of performance for the newly privatized SOEs. While Aktan (1995) suggest that privatization goes beyond the sale of SOEs, assets or shares to individuals or private firms but in a broad meaning, it is to restrict government role and function in providing economic activities and put forward some methods or policies in order to strengthen free market economy. Privatization is often meant to be the transfer of control and ownership of government asset or firm to private investors. It could be partial or whole, through private placement or public offer of share via the capital market as well as through the distribution of vouchers. The major purpose of privatization is to grow and develop the economic by creating competition that can bring about efficiency ***. It will be right for the logical argument of this research study to compare or examine the different view of academics on what privatization means. Parker et al (2005) states that privatization is used to cover many arrays of different policies like liberalization, commercialization but in one of its studies, Privatization in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence and the Policies lessons, suggest that privatization means the transfers of productive asset from the state to the private sector, but also stressed that the most important factors to be considered is the introduction of effective competition and regulatory measures alongside with existing firms and for government to accept the political changes that occurs when privatization takes place. While, Beesley (1997) suggest that privatization is the formation of a companys act company and the subsequent sale of at least 50percent of the total shares of a company to private shareholders. However it is obvious now that privatization starts with the government transfer of its assets or a controlling share to private investors or shareholders in order to stimulate econom ic development. Privatization as an inherent part of government efforts to rationalize the SOEs. Its mostly done to reduce the burden on National Budget, improve efficiency of individual enterprise and ensure wider distribution of business ownership among its citizens and other foreign investors. However in most cases it brings about the introduction of market force (Demand and Supply forces) into the economy. Privatization can be set up to achieve different objectives depending on the Political, Economy and Social condition of each individual Country. This is due to the fact that what is applicable in the UK for instance will most likely not applicable in Russia due to the differences in techniques or method of privatization, general government objectives, SOEs condition, firms sectors activities and the countries characteristics. According to Bennett (2003) there are different methods used during privatization, either one used has its own advantage and disadvantage. The share option method is the mostly used method, it involves the sales of SOEs through the issue of shares to the public through stock market. For this method to be successfully implemented, the local country privatizing its SOEs must have an established Stock market where the trading of these shares should take place. Also there should enough public awareness to sell shares. While the private placement option which involves the sale of SOEs to the highest bidder helps government rise substantial revenue but the issues involved here, is the highest bidder will always want to get back their money back in time by exploiting the consumers. This option is mostly done in developing countries where there stock market is still very weak and there are trying to get foreign investor to invest. Lastly the voucher method which is common with Eastern Europe an countries like, Russia, Czech Republic etc, tends towards alleviating poverty. It involves the allocation of SOEs shares to virtually all local qualified citizens of a state in order for both the poor and rich to be co-owners of the SOE. But in most case the poor ones are more likely to sell their share to the rich one who will then have a controlling stake. 1.1 Background to the Study The telecoms industry is a sizable sector offering a wide range of products and services as well as employment opportunities across virtually all professional, skilled and unskilled discipline in the economy. However the industry has expanded and develop rapidly since late 1980s, in the 1990s and even more rapidly in most recent times due its consistency in constant need for Research and Development (RD), technological change on both the service providers and suppliers sides respectively in other to satisfy its market and be more efficient to maximize profitability. The telecommunication industry whether in a developed or developing economies has had its impact towards the growth and development of virtually all parts of an economy ranging from the political, social, financial, technological sectors over its 100 years of existence. However like every other service providing sector, it provides services to the local market and international market where business strategic is always aimed at gaining competitive advantage in the existence of competition and tight regulatory business environment in terms of providing service to users, expanding its economies of scale and scope and equity expansion. Many countries grant monopoly power to their local telecoms but establish an office that will regulate their activities and in other cases some merge their postal services and telecoms services together, example is the United Kingdom (UK). The UK Telecommunication has been in existence dating back to 1879, with its first telephone exchange established in Coleman Street, London. 1896 saw the Post Office take over the private sector trunk services while in 1912, all national telephone company exchange was controlled by the Post Office as a monopoly supplier of telephone service in the UK. The Post office had two departments the postal service and telecom. As a rule as stated by Ratto-Nielsen, telephone operations, the postal service where subsidized while labor union where paid high rents to organize labor. However in 1969, the Post office become a State Public Corporation and after the Carter Report of the Post Office Review Corporation was published, the 1981 the British Telecoms Act 1981 became law and the postal and telecoms of the Post Office became the responsibilities of two separate Corporation namely; The Post Office and British Telecoms (BT) Cable and Wireless, which was privatized. While BT was created as a Public Corporation charged with the responsibilities for Telecommunications, Supplies, Installations and Maintenance. The first competitive rivalry in the industry was the granting of license in 1982 to Mercury Communication Limited (MCL) to operate a fixed Link network in order to compete with BT. This only made a little impact as BT has a huge competitive advantage over MCL because it already had the market share, established and experienced Skilled employees and existing contracts with leading telecoms equipments manufacturers and service providers to operate and even if a year later both where give the advantage to operate without rival firms providing fixed link networks in the UK for seven years The Government White Paper published, proposed for the sale of 51percent of BT and the creation of a telecoms regulatory body, to be named Office of Telecommunication (Oftel) whose duties where to supervise all the activities going on in the telecoms industry and to also prosecute those who do not comply with the set rules and regulation of the industry as well as protect services users from exploitation. Two years later Oftel was signed into law and then administration of Margret Thatcher creating BT as a Limited Company wholly owned by the Government as BT Plc but was later privatized by selling off 50.2percent Shares to the Public. BT is one of the world oldest telecommunication Firm and dates back to be the first ever British telecom firm which also had the sole monopoly of providing telecom services in the UK with the backup of British Government. During the period, from 1878 the UK telephone service was been provided by the private sector companies, National Telephone Company (NTC) who were also faced with competition from the General Post Office (GPO) and in 1896 the GPO took over operation of the telephone service from and became a monopoly market for the in 1912 controlling the entire telecoms market in the UK. In 1965, some finding made by a working party was presented to the government which there found substantial enough. This lead them to split GPO into two divisions; the Post and Telecommunication which gave birth to BT and five units Post, Telecommunication, Savings, Giro and National Data Processing Services respectively. The Post Office act of 1969 made the Post Office to be controlled by the government and established as a public corporation. This gave them the sole right to run the telecoms system with listed power to authorize others to run such systems. However the Post Office retained its telecommunication monopoly. The Carter Committee of 1977 suggest for the restructuring of the Post Office into two separate units and further renaming of the Post Office to British Telecoms but it also remained a part of the Post Office. In 1981, the introduction of British Telecommunication act transfer the provision of telecommunication from the Post Office as a resulting establishing two different corporations a bold step to create competition in the utility industry (Telecoms). This empowered the trade and industry ministry and the British Telecoms the right to grant Licenses to other telecoms operators to run telecommunication systems therefore creating competition in the sector. However, in July 1982 the government officially announced her intention to privatize BT by selling up to 51 percent of BT shares to private investors. In 1984, more than 50 percent of BT was sold to the public through share option, then the largest ever most successful SOE privatization exercise in the history of privatization leaving the government with just forty 47.6 percent. This was about the most radical and the largest scale privatization exercise ever had in the history of Britain. However most investor where scared that it was going to fail. It was but in 1991 the government share of BT was reduced to 21.8 percent by rising up to  £5 billion and creating about 750,000 new shareholders of BT. In reality, the privatization of BT opened the telecoms market for other operates to come into the market, invest in the sector and breaking the monopoly advantage had by BT over the years by fighting for market shares through intense competitive business environment. This however forced BT into having fairer business policies, improved technology to optimize productivity as well as to raise its level of efficiency as government regulatory body would introduced a price cap system. On the other side this allowed other firms to spring up and compete with BT in the telecom sector bringing about maximum utilization of available resources, cost cutting and efficiency. Telecoms consumers where the most rewarded people as operator gave them the best deals ever in order to gain market shares. BT Plc is now run in over 170 countries all over the world and faced with about 150 other telecoms operator. This has forced them virtually to constantly to research and develop their existing technolog y as well as acquire new ones in order to keep pace with their consumers new and market share. 1.2 Rationale for this Study In this research study aims to examine the impact of privatization in the telecom sector in the UK post privatization era. Also it will examine if the method of privatization contributes to both the operational and financial performance*** 1.3 Objectives to the Study My objectives will be subdivided into two sections aimed at determining to what extends privatization affected BT performance in terms of one; financial performance By looking the determinants working capital management, Share price movement and it covariance relative to the telecoms sector and FTSE 100 and Financial annual report Secondly; operational performance Level of efficiency Market Share strategy Competition and Regulation 1.4 Limitation There are inevitable limitation to this research study caused by the different economy situation post privatization era of BT. This can be ranging from some systematic economy problems to specific economy problems that can either be a general issue associated with all other sectors of the economy or rather that has to do alone with the telecoms sector or BT performance over time. Also political issues that arise for political interference in BT or the telecom sector which can either be from change of government. Finally as a research study there will be minor statistical error but this research study still represent a substandard measurement of BT post privatization operational and financial performance within the very dynamic, rapid, competitive and volatile telecom sector indices and the FTSE 100 at large. 1.5 Research Questions Why would one witness a difference in performance in terms of operational and financial factors when a firm is managed by government compared to when been managed by the private individual or investors? 1.6 Structure of the Study In Chapter two, this study will focus on the methods of privatization while chapter three of this research is literature review which includes theoretical framework and a review of relevant literatures. The theoretical framework will look at the different theories of privatization, how those theories where applied during privatization and the impact it had in the telecoms sector. Also the literature will critically review the impact of privatization in the telecoms sector focus mainly on the operational and financial performance of SOEs before and after privatization. While Chapter four will discuss the methodology adopted to achieve this study. Chapter four will be analysis of datas and stating of findings. Finally Chapter five would be conclusion. Chapter two 2.0 Methods of Privatization 2.1 Introduction This chapter will focus on the different methods of privatizations ranging from share issue method to voucher or the mass method and finally the asset sales method. It will also discuss the justification why a particular method is chosen rather than the other toward the achievement of privatization exercise and finally the advantage and disadvantages of each method used. 2.2 Share Issue Method This method of privatization involves the sale of all or part of SOE to investor through a public share offer which are similar to initial public offer (IPO) in the private sector via the stock market. This is structured to raise money for the government, divest them also from ownership and for them to achieve political objectives. However in the words of Megginson (2005) this method is the largest and most successful method to transfer SOEs to private ownership. Yet it is the most dramatic because if it turns out successfully or fails respectively it becomes the most political and economy bad or good decision depending on what happens. However, the process of using this method involves the passing through three steps; How to transfer control: This involves whether to sell the whole SOEs strategically to the public once or step by step. If the last option is chosen then government will have to determine what percent should be sold initially and subsequently but the most important thing here is for the government to put up tight regulation to control corporate decisions after the privatization exercise. How to price the offer: The pricing decision requires whether government should do the pricing by tender offer, a booking-building exercise or a fixed price but whatever the decision government makes it must be in advance. However the government always issue out SOEs share below the true market value as an incentive to encourage investors to buy shares. Finally, how to allocate the shares: This depends on who the government intends to favor most, it could be the employees, labor unions or potential investors and even foreign investors. Also it could make use an investment banker as lead underwriter or favor national champion. Meanwhile this method of privatization needs the existence of a capital market and also has some comparative advantage over the other methods which is rationale behind why it can be used in some situation rather than the others. In most case SOEs share prices are underpriced relative to the market price, hence foregone government revenue that will make investor make a premium on top of there investment The needs to expand the stock market operational capacity to accommodate new issued equities Advantage Can raise huge amount of revenue for the government The strategy employed can be use to create wealth evenly for local investors by allocating a set percentage of share to every region within the country. This usually occurs in situation where there is less inequality of income The use of share option, most likely develops the capital market. It is also used when the SOE to be privatized is large and profitable. For example BT, It also transforms the size and efficiency of both the nations investment banking sector and its capital market. Disadvantage It is time consuming to organize It is extremely expensive to coordinate due to the fact that before the share are put to sale the government have to hire and pay consultants 3. Transaction cost is another issue. It include cost of sales, advertising, underwriting. 2.3 Asset Sales Method This method involve the sale of the whole or part of SOE clearly for cash to individual investors, group of investors or an existing corporation with or without experience in that sector (Meggison 2005). Vuylsteke et al (1995), suggest that transaction here can occur in different forms from direct acquisition by a similar corporate firm or private placement to targeting various institutional investors. However there are different procedures to follow in this method of privatization exercise. This includes; firstly the full competitive process which involves a privatization process of pre-qualification of bidders to win the final bid to take-over the said SOE. While the second procedure involves the use of direct negotiations between investors and government representatives to take-over the said SOE which usually involve the search for a larger number of investors. Both process would usually involve the investor who are either new or have an excellent record of both operational and financial performance in the past. This though is not a major concern for the government or standard to win the bid but can only be as confidence booster for both the government, SOE labor unions and management. However the governments have strict interest in the bidders that can meet their financial requirements as well as all other agreement without violating. Advantages It brings about a speedy and flexible negotiation towards the sales of SOE between the individual or group of investors and the government body that is interested in the transfer of the SOE to private hands. It can yield more revenue for the government as the highest bidder wins the ownership of SOE to be privatized It is the most reliable method of privatization in economies where the stock market is underdeveloped as well as encourage to a great extend property right theory. It attracts Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) cash flow income into the economies of the local country. It can also bring about innovation in technology, management skills and expertise especially when these SOE are bought over by foreigners. Disadvantages It is the least transparent method of privatization as the government might only target to sell to the group of investor that favors they own political objectives. It can bring about exploitation as the new investor might be under pressure to pay back loans and t the same time maximums profit within a short period of time. The group of investors or individual investor might not have the required technical expertise or skill and experience to run the new privatized SOE. These are mostly common with local investors favored by the government or are new in business. 2.4 Voucher Method This is also known as mass privatization, usually common in Eastern Europe. It is a method whereby eligible citizens of a nation can use vouchers that are distributed free or at nominal cost. This gives holders the right to bid for stake for SOEs or other assets been privatized. This method is mostly used in transition economies like in the Central and especially Eastern economies respectively to bring about fundamental change in the ownership of business asset in these economies, although not always change in effective control (Meggison 2005). However, low income distribution level prompted most nations in Eastern Europe to adopt this method of privatization as it became clear that the only viable way to privatize and maintain significant domestic ownership was the voucher method if not only individuals with the wealth to acquire shares which were communist, criminal and foreigners would buy up everything. (Parker and Saal 2003) This method of privatization as suggested by Boycko, Shleifer and Vishny (1994) shows that the reason to purse and specifically design the program is largely dictated by politics. This involves the divestment of SOE through the distribution of vouchers to a nations citizenry that people can use to bid for the SOEs on offer. This method has been used in mass privatization exercise programs mostly in transaction economies in the Czech Republic, Russia and other Eastern and Central Europe countries. However this method has been really successful in the past but most recently are failing because there do not attract new capital or management to the privatized SOEs. Experience has also shown that it do not provide effective ownership structure for the new privatized SOE instead insiders end up controlling most of the more valuable companies and ordinary investors receive claims of the weakest and least promising SOEs. Advantage It ensures a wide share of shares ownership, where as a lot of people would have been too poor to buy and own a share. Disadvantage It yielded no cash inflow to the government or firms and thus there were no transfers of technology, capital and expertise from foreign investors or multinational companies to the privatized companies. It also gave the new owners of the privatized who where existing managers and employee little incentives to effectively restructure the firms operation and reduce the amount of staff needed in order to cut cost. In most cases, government never gave up the full control of important privatized companies to private owners other than managers because government still heard a majority shareholding and thus felt that the firms will be too strategic to be left unsupervised. This was because government wanted to ensure that no serious staff cut which would have impact on operational restructuring as the exercise was politically rational but economically deliberate. Government allowed the politicization of credit extension also made the newly privatized firms continue to enjoy soft budget constraint for an infinite amount of time also contributed to one of the weakness of voucher privatization. 3.0 Theoretical Framework and Literature Review 3.1 Introduction The privatization of SOEs has over time been a big and important issue in the growth and development of the economy. This has lead to the development of many theories which explains the ideas behind what is expected in principle and practice in privatization exercise. This chapter will however discuss the relevant theoretical and empirical literatures of this research study objectives and rationale. This involves critically examining the theories that have been developed over time by different authors and how their impact privatization as regards the objectives of this study. This will also state why privatization is vital for the growth and development of some sectors and why, it will not in some other sectors within the economy. Finally, analysis on how privatization affects the performance of a firm will also be discussed. 3.2 Factors Determining Privatization SOE were highly inefficient and grow at a very slow pace, too much bureaucratic issue can cause no room for quick decision making, innovative changes. Also constant government political intervention as well as administration changes is an issue. It is also over dominated by the power of Labor Trade Union (Veljnovski 1987). However after the successful privatization of BT in 1984 by the Thatchers administration, it became an economic policy that can be used to reduce the financial pressure on government budget as well as the concern to prevent SOEs from failing in terms of its inefficient use of financial and operational resources. But could this be a means to wealth creation for investors, who through the spread and acquisition of shares ownership, restructuring and refocusing of SOEs economic objectives as well as cutting of trade labor unions influence and power will see SOE to maximize both there operational and financial performances. An argument that must be stressed here is that of the difficulty in interpreting the indictors of both operational and financial performance of SOEs post privatization within and outside the business environment economy. Take for example; poor financial performance may be consistent with high rate of internal efficiency if the formal is as a result of government policy of price control. However, since SOEs frequently respond to anticipated market failures, profit maximization and similar related measures might not necessary, be a reliable indicator for their poor performances over time (Ramanadham 1993). Rather this study will support that failure of SOEs, could be as a result of rapid demand for their goods and services faced by their steady but slow growth to reach maximum productivity movement rather than to totally shift production function to meet all demands and avoid poor operational and financial performance. Yarrow (1986), however argued against privatization stating that competition and more forceful accountability will even be better than privatization in promoting both financial and operational efficiency but his argument has a limitation, it only focused on a small number of company within UK. Ramanadham (1993) pointed out that the objective of privatization is realized more if it becomes successful within a short period of time either by stock market price rise or increase in the level of efficiency or productivity bringing about instance economic growth and development. But when reverse is the case (if it fails), which happens some time it even makes privatization more undesirable. So it is best re-engineer SOE by over hauling it, as well s to set up a transparent regulatory frame work to remedy what might be a failure when the objectives of privatization are not met as anticipated in order to level the firms operational and financial performance post privatization. In a further argument by Megginson et al (1994) whose strong support from recent theoretical and empirical perspective, that private firms will always outperform SOEs stating that privatization itself will always increase both the financial and operational efficiency of firms irrespective of the business environment. While another view by Moore (1992) who argued that the act of privatization promotes economic efficiency and public confidence (one of the major objectives of property right theory) in the system of industrial capitalism and thus SOEs should be sold off before efficiency gains can be realized. He also argued that the success of privatization transforms business attitude towards ownership, economic responsibility and towards the improvement of corporate performances. It also allows government play an important role of regulation the business environment leaving the ownership of firms in the hand of investors and individuals who will perform better as there are faced with scare resource and market forces. It is clear now that different factors can lead to privatization especially when SOEs has underperform operationally and financially causing political pressure, budget deficit and waste of scare resource for the government and even to the extent of administrative failure. 3.4 Evaluation of the theories of Privatization Principal Agent Theory Vickers and Yarrow (1995) points out that a problem exist in the principal agent theory as the principal interest greatly lies in profit maximization and high return for investment therefore this aim might conflict with that of the agent who might pursue other objectives apart from profitability. Further stating that since the formal do not have full information concerning what is happening within the SOE and cannot fully control the attitude of the agents who might be over ambitious and purse his own objectives, this will certainly create monitoring problems for the principal. This in fact creates both financial and operational problems directly or indirectly.** However when shareholders can influence the behaviors of agents (management) through vote as the only way to keep them in check, the agent might however work at a more efficient level and focus on a set objective towards profit maximization. On the other hand when the rate of efficiency increases, it leads to higher revenue which is mostly one of the objectives, to brings about higher income and dividend for its shareholders.** Property Right Theory This is a set of right to control assets. It is a consequently grants of authority made to an investor or a group of investors through right of issue of share or control either public or private and acknowledged by other persons or organizations (Lindblom, 1977) De Soto (2006) argues that lack of formal property right is what has kept developing economies from been developed stating that it limits the amount of goods and services that can be exchanged in the market in order to have a sustainable long term economy growth. While Easterly (2001) opinion is quite similar to the views of Soto, Easterly suggests that property right is a s

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Jackie Robinsn: A man who Changed America Essay -- essays research pap

Jackie Robinson made one of the most daring moves by playing Major League baseball. The amount of pain and suffering this man went through was so harsh that I don't know how he was able to play. Carl Erskine said,"Maybe I see Jackie differently. You say he broke the color line. But I say he didn't break anything. Jackie was a healer. He came to rectify a wrong, to heal a sore in America"(Dorinson back cover). Jackie was born January thirty-first 1919. Shortly after he was born, his father deserted his family. Almost a year after that, Jackie's uncle came to visit and convinced his family to move to California with him. The whole family moved out there with his uncle. They moved to Pasadena,California. The neighborhood they moved into was mostly a white neighborhood. The white people did not want them in the neighborhood. They would criticize Jackie and his family. When he was about eight years old, he had learned to stand up for himself and answer back when the occasion demanded. Jackie went to Muir Tech. High School. At high school is where he began to get interested in sports. He competed in football, baseball, basketball, and track. He was a good player in every sport. During high school, college recruiters failed to pay attention to him. He didn't receive any scholorship, so he decided to go to Pasadena Junior College. Pasadena Junior College is where Jackie began to get noticed for his athletic abilities. He set many records in track, baseball, and football. Babe Horrel wanted to recruit Jackie from Pasadena Junior College. One of the best athletes on the West Coast(Tygiel 27) After two years at Pasadena Junior College, he transfered to UCLA. Jackie went here so his brother, Frank would be able to attend most of the games. His brother never did get to see a game because he died in a motocycle accident. At UCLA, Jackie lettered in four sports in one year. He was the first player to do that. He played track, baseball, basketball, and football. ... become friends with him. It was his teammate Peewee Reese. Reese was a white man that played shortstop for the Dodgers. During one game, Jackie mad a diving catch to win the game for the Dodgers. Jackie got hurt on the play. Reese goes over to second base to make sure Jackie was alright. No one else came over to see if he was alright. It showed a lot of courage for Reese to do that. Reese took a lot of crap for doing it but he didn't care. Thus in eight years America's most prominent national sport moved from a tradition of seventy years discrimination to almost complere intergration(Tygiel 156). The big step of Jackie joining major league baseball changed everything in sports and life. He was a civil rights leader just like Martin Luther King Jr. He made the big step to show that it's not impossible to get things to be equal.We should all be very thankful for what Jackie Robinson has done. He didn't give into fear and run away from the challenge of breaking the color barrier. He took the challenge and conquered it. He changed the history of baseball and the rest of life. He helped the blacks become equal to the white race.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Multi-Layered Security Plan Essay

Protecting sensitive or confidential data is paramount in many businesses. In the event such information is made public, businesses may face legal or financial ramifications. At the very least, they will suffer a loss of customer trust. In most cases, however, they can recover from these financial and other losses with appropriate investment or compensation Having information of different security levels on the same computer systems poses a real threat. It is not a straight-forward matter to isolate different information security levels, even though different users log in using different accounts, with different permissions and different access controls (Red Hat, Inc. 2006). Below I have listed the IT infrastructure of Richman Investments along with recommendations in each infrastructure on levels of security that should be implemented for a more secure network. IT Infrastructure Affected 1. User Domain: The people who access an organization’s information system. * The first thing that should be implemented is a mandatory Computer Security training session to educate the users on the proper use of work computers. 2. Workstation Domain: Users (most) connecting to the IT infrastructure. * The workstation domain comes with its own problems such as unauthorized access to the system, the way to fix this problem would be to implement access policies and guidelines. 3. LAN Domain: A collection of computers connected to one another or to a common connection medium. * Implement second or third level identity check to gain access to sensitive systems, applications, and date. Keep all hardware in a secure location with access only with proper ID. 4. LAN-to-WAN Domain: Link between the Wide Area Network (WAN) and the Internet. * Conduct post configuration penetration tests of the layered security solution within the LAN-to-WAN Domain. Test inbound and outbound traffic and fix any gaps. Also, apply e-mail server and attachments antivirus and e-mail quarantining for unknown file types. Stop domain-name Web site access based on content-filtering policies. 5. WAN Domain: Wide Area Network (WAN) connects remote locations to the Local Area Network (LAN). * Encrypt confidential data transmissions through service provider WAN using VPN tunnels. 6. Remote Access Domain: Connects remote users to the organization’s IT infrastructure. * Remote Access Domain, Being that the users are off site it is hard to say that the users password information has not been compromised. In such cases when abnormalities are spotted or data is accessed without proper authorization, data should be completely encrypted to prevent any sensitive materials from being sold or presented to the open market. 7. System/Application Domain- Holds all the mission-critical systems, applications, and data. * Develop a business continuity plan for mission-critical applications providing tactical steps for maintaining availability of operations. Perform regular rigorous software and Web-application testing and penetration testing prior to launch.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Importance Of Auditor Independence On An Audit

Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. Auditing is one of the most essential processes that has to be executed in the business world. It involves independent testing on the documents of a business to establish the financial statements are prepared without any material misstatements and maintained as the law requires. This process is carried out by an auditor; a person or a firm that has been certified by the regulatory authority of auditing. Internal auditors and external auditors are the two types of auditors generally appointed by companies. Internal auditors are employed by the organisations they audit to carry out the internal activities such as, risk managements, monitoring efficiencies, detecting any fraudulent acts and organisational governance. Whereas, external auditors are independent completely from the entity they are auditing for. Auditors have to be independent, where the process has to be free from outside control and interference by any parties. They should not be subject to another’s jurisdict ion. The degree of independence varies among external and internal auditors as the former is expected to be more uncontrolled as they prepare report for all users of financial statements whereas the latter reports only to the management of the organisation they audit. This essay willShow MoreRelatedThe Sarbanes Oxley Act Of 20021530 Words   |  7 Pagesconcerns on auditor independence. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 includes rules on auditor responsibility and independence. The PCAOB designed policies on auditors’ ethical behavior and independence. The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct contains Section 101 – Independence that describes requirements for the auditor during engagements. The regulators establish principles and standards of the accounting profession, but the number of financial scandals continue increases due to the audit failure. TheRead MoreWhy Is It Important for External Auditors to Be Independent? Relate Your Answer to the Primary Role of External Auditors. Give Examples of Specific Ways the Lack of Auditor Independence May Impact Adversely on an Audit.1648 Words   |  7 PagesTerm: Individual Coursework Essay Topic: Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. In 2001, there was an event that had shaken the whole business world. The crash of Enron in US, followed by worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen. It was a greatest corporate failure uncovered in business historyRead MoreThe Objective Of Auditing Standard918 Words   |  4 Pagesthe auditor plans the audit so it can be conducted efficiently. The engagement partner is responsible for planning the audit and making sure it is performed. If the engagement partner seeks assistance from engagement team members he or she is responsible for making sure they comply with the requirements for this standard. Planning the audit is not a short-term task and often should be started after the completion of the previous audit and continue to until the completion of the current audit. DuringRead MoreWhy Is It Important for External Auditors to Be Independent? Relate Your Answer to the Primary Role of External Auditors. Give Examples of Specific Ways the Lack of Auditor Independence May Impact Adversely on an Audit.1638 Words   |  7 PagesCoursework Essay Topic: Why is it important for external auditors to be independent? Relate your answer to the primary role of external auditors. Give examples of specific ways the lack of auditor independence may impact adversely on an audit. In 2001, there was an event that had shaken the whole business world. The crash of Enron in US, followed by worldwide collapse of its auditor, Arthur Andersen. It was a greatest corporate failure uncovered in businessRead MoreIndependence of External Auditor1203 Words   |  5 PagesIndependence of external auditor By:- shubham kanchhal Auditor independence  refers to the independence  of the auditor  from parties that may have a financial interest in business being audited. Independence requires integrity  and an objective approach  for the audit process. This concept requires the auditor  to carry his work freely and in an objective manner. The purpose of an audit to enhance the credibilityRead MoreWhy is it important for the external auditor to be independent?1495 Words   |  6 Pagesis it important for external auditor to be independent? Throughout the years, banks, shareholders, possible investors and creditors always relied on the financial statements produced by a company. Since the management of a company is producing these documents it has been assumed that the managers may act dishonestly so that their performance looks better. To monitor the company’s performance better the directors along with the shareholders employ external auditors to check all these financialRead MoreThe Code of Professional Conduct for Auditors1516 Words   |  6 Pagesexpectations and builds a framework to guide their members in all actions and operations. The code of professional conduct for auditors is one of extreme importance. The six main principals include the following: responsibilities, the public interest, professional due care, objectivity and indepdence, integrity, and the scope and nature of services. The manner in which an auditor performs and incorporates these six principals in his or her duties has a great eff ect on how they are viewed by clients,Read MoreAuditor’s Role: The Importance to Overcome Ethical Dilemmas Essay example1030 Words   |  5 Pagesemployees and the whole U.S. economy. Most of these scandals would have been prevented, if the independent audits of these companies were conducted in an ethical manner. With this in mind, two corporate scandals will be the subjects of further review to understand that an auditor might encounter ethical dilemmas, if independence and objectivity are not part of the audit process. An auditor should keep objectivity at all times. Maire Loughran, a Certified Public Accountant and University ProfessorRead MoreThe Importance of External Auditor’s Independence Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesThe Importance of External Auditor’s Independence According to Gillespie, Lewis and Hamilton (2004:221) an audit is: â€Å"a scrutiny of the accounts by a qualified auditor who carries out checks on the figures so as to establish whether the accounts show a true and fair view of the results and the financial position of the entity.† According to Wikipedia (2011a), auditor independence refers to â€Å"an attitude of mind characterized by integrity and an objective approach to the audit process†. IndependentRead MoreInternal Audit Department s Independence And Objectivity1245 Words   |  5 Pagesabout the internal audit department’s independence and objectivity. I have provided detail on consideration of independence and objectivity, based on guidance from the International Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). I have also charted steps should taken by TechNet to ensure the internal audit department’s independence and objectivity. The Institute of internal Auditors (IIA) defines independence as â€Å"the freedom from conditions that threaten the ability of the internal audit activity to carry