Monday, September 30, 2019


At starting, when the motor is stationary, there is no back e. m. f. in the armature. Consequently, if the motor is directly switched on to the mains, the armature will draw a heavy current (la = WRa) because of small armature resistance. As an example, 5 H. P. , 220 V shunt motor has a full-load current of 20 A and an armature resistance of about 0. 5 0. If this motor is directly switched on to supply, it would take an armature current of 220/0. 5 = 440 A which is 22 times the full-load current.This high starting current may result in: (i) burning of armature due to excessive heating ffect, damaging the commutator and brushes due to heavy sparking, (iii) excessive voltage drop in the line to which the motor is connected. The result is that the operation of other appliances connected to the line may be impaired and in particular cases, they may refuse to work. In order to avoid excessive current at starting, a variable resistance (known as starting resistance) is inserted in series w ith the armature circuit.This resistance is gradually reduced as the motor gains speed (and hence Eb increases) and eventually it is cut out completely when the motor has ttained full speed. The value of starting resistance is generally such that starting current is limited to 1. 25 to 2 times the full-load current. 5. 8 Types of D. C. Motor Starters The stalling operation of a d. c. motor consists in the insertion of external resistance into the armature circuit to limit the starting current taken by the motor and the removal of this resistance in steps as the motor accelerates.When the motor attains the normal speed, this resistance is totally cut out of the armature circuit. It is very important and desirable to provide the starter with protective evices to enable the starter arm to return to OFF position (i) when the supply fails, thus preventing the armature being directly across the mains when this voltage is restored. For this purpose, we use no-volt release coil. (it) when t he motor becomes overloaded or develops a fault causing the motor to take an excessive current. For this purpose, we use overload release coil.There are two principal types of d. c. motor starters viz. , three-point starter and four- point starter. As we shall see, the two types of starters differ only in the manner in which the no-volt release coil is connected. 5. 9 Three-Point Starter This type of starter is widely used for starting shunt and compound motors. Schematic diagram Fig. (5. 16) shows the schematic diagram of a three-point starter for a shunt motor with protective devices. It is so called because it has three terminals L, Z and A.The starter consists of starting resistance divided into several sections and connected in out to a number of studs. The three terminals L, Z and A of the starter are connected respectively to the positive line terminal, shunt field terminal and armature terminal. The other terminals of the armature and shunt field windings are connected to th e negative terminal of the supply. The no-volt release coil is connected in the shunt field circuit. One end of the handle is connected to the terminal L through the over- load release coil.The other end of the handle moves against a spiral spring and makes contact with each stud during starting operation, cutting out more and more starting resistance as it passes over each stud in clockwise direction. Operation (i) To start with, the d. c. supply is switched on with handle in the OFF position. (ii) The handle is now moved clockwise to the first stud. As soon as it comes in contact with the first stud, the shunt field winding is directly connected across the supply, hile the whole starting resistance is inserted in series with the armature circuit. iii) As the handle is gradually moved over to the final stud, the starting resistance is cut out of the armature circuit in steps. The handle is now held magnetically by the no-volt release coil which is energized by shunt field current. (‘v) If the supply voltage is suddenly interrupted or if the field excitation is accidentally cut, the no-volt release coil is demagnetized and the handle goes back to the OFF position under the pull of the spring. If no-volt release coil were not used, hen in case of failure of supply, the handle would remain on the final stud.If then supply is restored, the motor will be directly connected across the supply, resulting in an excessive armature current. (v) If the motor is over-loaded (or a fault occurs), it will draw excessive current from the supply. This current will increase the ampere-turns of the over-load release coil and pull the armature C, thus short-circuiting the novolt release coil. The no-volt coil is demagnetized and the handle is pulled to the OFF position by the spring. Thus, the motor is automatically disconnected from the supply. Fig. (5. 17) DrawbackIn a three-point starter, the no-volt release coil is connected in series with the shunt field circuit so tha t it carries the shunt field current. While exercising speed control through field regulator, the field current may be weakened to such an extent that the no-volt release coil may not be able to keep the starter arm in the ON position. This may disconnect the motor from the supply when it is not desired. This drawback is overcome in the four point starter. 5. 10 Four-Point Starter In a four-point starter, the no-volt release coil is connected directly across the supply line through a protective resistance R. Fig. (5. ) shows the schematic diagram of a 4- point starter for a shunt motor (over-load release coil omitted for clarity of the figure). Now the no-volt release coil circuit is independent of the shunt field circuit. Therefore, proper speed control can be exercised without affecting the operation of novolt release coil. between a three-point starter and a four-point starter is the manner in which no-volt release coil is connected. However, the working of the two starters is th e same. It may be noted that the threepoint starter also provides protection against an openfield circuit. This protection is not provided by the four-point starte

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Type I and Type II Diabetes

Print off this document and answer the questions at the end of both parts. On the due date for this assignment, you will form groups in class and each group will be given a separate set of questions to answer. The in-class questions will be related to the questions In this document and will be answerable If you have answered the document questions. Activity Research the general facts of diabetes to better address Mooring's concerns. Your main objectives are the following: 1.Distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by comparing and contrasting heir definitions, bodily effects, warning signs, target groups, and current treatments in a table. Type I Diabetes* Type 2 Diabetes Definition Type 1 is caused by the body producing antibodies that attack the pancreas destroying the beta cells. Because of this the pancreas is not able to produce adequate amounts of insulin. Type 2 is caused by insufficient amounts of insulin production or a change in the resistance of tissues to the insuli n.Bodily effects (what does It cause In the body) Potential blindness or violins Impairment, neophyte (kidney damage), enumerator never damaged increased susceptibility to fugal or skin infections, foot problems, and issues with heart and blood vessels including risks of heart attack and/or stroke. Same as Type 1 diabetes with the addition of the complications with gestational diabetes in pregnant women such as upperclassman and high blood pressure. These may predispose the child to Type 1 diabetes. It may also increase the risk of Alchemist's Disease and hearing loss.Warning signs (what symptoms are seen that indicate diabetes) Weight loss even with an Increased appetite, noticeable mood changes or Increased Irritability, constant thirst followed by an Increase In urination frequency. Violins impairment and lack of energy/fatigue. Or infections and a darkening of skin on areas of the body. Target groups (what groups of people are more likely to develop DMS) People with a family his tory or are genetically predisposed. Certain viruses are linked to increased risk, such as mumps. Children between 4-7 and 10-14 are in a noticeable age group of reported cases.Additionally geographic location may also play into the risk. (being further away from the equator) People over the age of 40 or people who are overweight are in a higher risk category. Inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk. A family history of type 2 diabetes and race can also increase the risk. Some minority groups such as Hispanics and American Indians are more likely to develop symptoms. Current treatments Current treatments are the use of injecting insulin into the body through an insulin pump, syringe or other type of injector.Also using a balance of daily exercise, careful planning of meals and monitoring blood sugar levels. The most important treatment is a change in lifestyle. A balance of daily exercise and healthy planned meals to help weight loss and blood sugar monitoring. Som e people may still need insulin therapy or medications to help. Beers, Mark H. â€Å"Diabetes Mellitus and Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism. † The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. Whitehorse Station, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories, 2006. 1274-285. Print. Martini, Frederic, Kathleen Welch, and William C.It also boosts TAP production and the usage of the glucose as it comes into the cell; this will also increase the glycogen formation when there is an excess amount available. Also helps with protein synthesis, amino acid absorption, and advocates will in increase the intake of glucose to assist in in the synthesis of regicides. Martini, Frederic, Judi Lindsey. Nathan, and Edwin F. Bartholomew. â€Å"Chi 18 The Endocrine System. † Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2012. 621-23. Print 4.Answer the following question: Recent studies on mice have shown that fat cells produce a hormone called resisting that leads to insulin res istance. Researchers believe the gene that regulates the production of resisting is overactive in those suffering from obesity. How does this discovery correlate with Type 2 diabetes? (Explain how this is related to development of type 2 diabetes) As the fatty tissues increase the more resisting will be produced. As these 2 factors increase it will increase the insulin resistance of the cells and begin to show the early signs of Type 2 diabetes.This would explain why weight loss is an important factor in controlling diabetes. Diseases-conditions/type-2-did beets/bas CICS/risk-factors/con-20031902 1 . What should Morgan do? State what kind of diet/lifestyle changes Morgan should follow and explain why. Also briefly explain why she should not follow the other treatment routes. Include in your assessment the Atkins' Diet, a diet high in fiber and owe in saturated fat, and use of supplements containing the herb Phaedra (ephedrine). To help her choose the best diet to help her to make a life change versus Just trying a diet.It is important that she make a change that she can live with and most people don't stick to a diet over a long period of time. She will want to immediately replace her fatty snacks and foods with options that are high-fiber and low in fats. Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables are a good start for healthy meal options combined with limiting animal proteins and refined sugars. These steps in combination with exercise should be a big part of treating Type 2 diabetes. Based on information on the Atkins' diet I would not recommend it.Although it does help with the weight loss there are some parts of the diet that would not work with diabetes. One of the biggest risks is with ketosis and stones that are caused from the low Carr diet. Ketosis is an indication that your body doesn't have enough glucose for energy. This will cause it to use stored body fat for energy buy has unpleasant side effects that will make sticking to the diet difficult as well as releasing stones. Stones can build up over time and cause kidney damage which is already a risk with diabetes.Lastly Atkins' diet is controversial because of it being high in saturates fats that can over time cause issue with the cardiac system. Supplements can be beneficial but Just because it's over the counter does not mean that it is safe. Ephedrine is general is known to have some benefits but also known to have dangerous side effects in high does. Risks of stroke, high blood pressure, and retention of urine are all things that would already be risks of the diabetes but increased by its usage.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ethical Dilemma about the Same Sex Marriage Research Paper - 2

Ethical Dilemma about the Same Sex Marriage - Research Paper Example Over the years many states have started to embrace the idea of same-sex marriages especially the controversial gay marriages. There are many controversies which surround the issue which ranges from ethical concerns to religious issues. The stigma created by the people on the people on the individuals embracing the idea has left many who practice it to hide for the fear of being subjected to social discrimination and stigmatization in the society. Many churches have not accepted the idea and they strongly advocate for its shunning citing various scriptures in the holy books that state against the practice. This has stirred a big debate on the acceptance of this behavior which was initially not acceptable but currently gaining so much popularity and many people including celebrities coming up and confessing of having been in same-sex relationships for a long time. The people involved have been fighting for their freedom of expression and interaction and this has pushed many jurisdictions to bow to their demand and allow the marriages. One of the ideas that arise when the issue of same-sex marriages spring up is what should come first, the right of the individual or morality. The constitutions that govern many states are categorical when it comes to the issue of human rights. Therefore the people who engage in this actions are guarded by the clauses that give them the right way to interact with whomever they want to. Therefore it would be against the constitution to impose a rule on them that would subject them to following a line of thought that they are not ready to subscribe to While advocating for their rights, the people championing stated that every person should respect each and every one's uniqueness and so say that they support the idea is their own choice of their life anyway.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inamo restaurant in London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Inamo restaurant in London - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that modern world pace has now started to dictate every walk of life that even includes the time we are not working. Work has taken primarily the majority of our time in the week. Therefore the cooling time of the human machinery has been taken up by business individuals calling it the restaurant and catering industry. Many high rise and catchy building surface everyday offering food and entertainment for the consumers which are deprived of a cool off time at home due to their busy schedules. Therefore, generating an air of competition among rivals and between rival food joints. Each and every food providing facility incorporates methods to stand aloof of the rest of the bunch which is a major factor contributing towards the success and profit of the business. Technology as it stands in the present time is the lone factor which can propel any business to the stars or to the ground, from the lack of it. Similarly new fashion modern eat-out pla ces are integrating technology with their restaurants to enable an environment for the consumer that is self pulling in its own manner. The hospitality industry inspired by the James Bond’s technology stunts have entered into the technology race, just like the Russian American space race in the early 60’s. The only difference, there are many moons that can be conquered. The inamo restaurant website gives a very interactive look while selecting of the dishes and table reservation. According to a recent survey, a larger percentage of new entrepreneurs employ internet to enhance their business appeal (McKendric,1999). These internet applications, like the e-ordering system has great interest for researchers and developers as the information sharing is the core part of the business operation. Given the competition from old-school businesses and their firm hold on the market, an e-business can only survive if it provides the following facility to the customer: reduced price s, broader selection bracket, better options and better services (Vassos, 1996). All these mentioned qualities are available in the form of e-ordering system of the â€Å"inamo† restaurant. The wide variety can also be seen in a pictorial view, making it far easier for the customers to choose their food from their comfort of their homes before reaching the place itself. Some services like the actual delivery of food cannot be controlled online; therefore physical presence of the customer is needed in this case in the restaurant. The restaurant implies an interactive menu table for the pleasure of the customer to avoid the fuss of waiter interaction once he

Thursday, September 26, 2019

History of Numerical Control development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of Numerical Control development - Essay Example Most of this machining incorporated milling operations. Because of this the air force had to sponsor a research project for the development of a prototype numerical control milling machine at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The production of the prototype was done by retrofitting a conventional tracer mill with numerical control servomechanisms for the machine’s three axes.2The very first demonstration for this Numerical Control machine was done in 1952 March by the MIT Labs. The builders of the machine tool slowly by slowly started to develop projects that they could use to introduce the Numerical Control units. Also some industry users more so the builders of airframes started working to make numerical control machines so that they could satisfy their production needs. The Air force went with encouraging people to develop the Numerical Control by through the sponsorship of more research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in order to design a language for programming for use in controlling Numerical Control machines. The very first Numerical Control machines came about in the 1940s into the 50s. They were built based on the tolls present at that time which had been modified with motors that could move the controls to follow the points that were fed in the system on a punched tape. 3These servomechanisms were augmented rapidly with digital and analogue computers thus creating the computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools known today which have gone ahead to revolutionize the process of machining. In the current CNC systems the end to end design of the component is automated very highly by use of a computer assisted design as well as computer assisted manufacturing (CAM) programs. The programs bring forth a computer file that when interpreted extract every command required for the operation of a specific machine through a postprocessor and thereafter loaded in Computer Numerical

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Billy Elliot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Billy Elliot - Essay Example In the scene, he tap dances away his frustration to the music of ‘a town called malice’ by the jam. Dancing appears as a vocation for Billy as he fights stereotypes from his father and brother to pursue dancing rather than the coalmining embraced by his family. Billy’s tap dance scene is significant as the dialogue between the four characters in the scene collide. The scene witnesses Billy’s brother, father, himself, and Mrs. Wilkinson. The dialogue of the four characters on Billy’s future informs the audience much about them. Mrs. Wilkinson and Tony hurl abuse at each other showing both their concern and love for Billy, although from varying perspectives (Daldry). Their abuse shows that they both care for Billy’s future albeit from their own narrow views of what he should become and pursue. Both characters are frustrated about each other’s view on Billy’s future yet they all want the best for him. The scene opens up in the kitchen which provides the audience with a claustrophobia feeling. This setting is vital in displaying Billy’s internal conflict at the time. He struggles to deal with societal and familial expectations placed on him. Mrs. Wilkinson, his dance teacher expects him to becom e a potential success while he also gets tasked with caring for her grandmother suffering from dementia. He also struggles against the gender role stereotypes entrenched in society. The camera shots during the scene also indicate the difference in class and discourse between Billy and the three adults at the table. The camera moves back and forth from the high angle of Billy perspective to the eye level shots of the adults. The difference in points of view in the scene represents the discourse on Billy’s perception about himself and what the adults think of him. When Billy tap dances angrily in the scene, it represents that dancing is a vocation for him. His dance alludes to the fact that he can dance his pain away (Daldry). This shows that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Terrorism Affecting The World Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Terrorism Affecting The World Economy - Essay Example To trigger development, it encouraged the formation of rural enterprises, liberalized foreign trade and investment, introduced education reforms, and invested heavily in industrial production. In several peak years, the GDP hit as high as 13 % and today the per capita income has quadrupled compared to what it was 15 years and if the predictions by various analysts hold true, the Chinese economy will cross that of United States in another 20 years. (Khan 2007) According to a research conducted by IMF in an attempt to find the key sources of its growth, it was found that the increase in the number of Chinese workers has been one of the major factors of its growth. At the same time capital accumulation through the growth in the overall assets of the country, new factories, manufacturing machinery and development in its communication systems have also marked its growth. According to most theoretical and empirical analysis conducted, more than 42 percent of china's growth has to do with productivity gains since 1979-94 but after 1994 capital took over as the most significant and primary source of growth. This marks an avid departure from the more traditional views on development wherein capital investment takes the lead. In most cases, economists studying Chinese Growth have faced lots of theoretical and empirical issues most of which cr... It elaborates over the link between productive factors such as capital and labour to output. This model is mostly applied to market economies but can also be used for command economies. In addition, finding from such empirically modelled data has led to the conclusion that in recent year's capital investment in goods and technology have led to increase in productivity. (A Measurement of the Contribution Made by Foreign Investment 2005) India: India has shown remarkable economic growth for the past three years of its running. For a decade, it has been registering an economic growth of 7% plus which has led to reduction in poverty by 10 %. However 60% of India's population continues to thrive on agriculture which makes a poverty alleviation a major economic channel. The fact that droughts and floods are still common in the nation, does not sit too well with the agents of economic growth. According to a hypothetical analysis that was recently conducted, one main reason behind India's economic growth has been the structural transformation that has been adopted by the national government. India's economic growth has been oft conceived as directly related to that of its performance in the service sector in particular. Its growth rate was above 11 % in 2007 and contributes to 53 % of GDP today. Investment in industrial sector has been another key component of its growth and it contributes to 29% of its GDP where as agriculture is 17 % of its economy. Manufacturing sector has emerged rapidly and has shown remarkable progress between 2005 and 2006. It grew by 12 % during this time where as communication and storage sectors grew by 16 %. (Indian Economy overview

Monday, September 23, 2019

An analysis of macroeconomic and industry conditions of woolworths Essay

An analysis of macroeconomic and industry conditions of woolworths - Essay Example ASX reveals the details of Woolworths and Wesfarmers in the competitive market. It is a financial market exchange that offers services such as listings clearing, settlement, and trading across a wide range of asset classes. Woolworths is a retail chain store that deals with food merchandise. On the other hand, Wesfarmers is a company that deals with retail operations covering food merchandise, supermarkets, specialty department stores, liquor and fuel outlets, office and home supplies etc (Mankiw, 2003). A set of factors largely influence how companies, for instance Woolworths and Wesfarmers, will operate. These factors determine whether or not a particular company will meet its mission as well as realise its vision. The Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) is a pact that combines Australia and New Zealand. Woolworths strives to meet the needs of its large market of customers in both countries. This is made simpler due to the fact that political stability is experienced in both countries. Political stability is a crucial factor in development. Economic factors are quite advantageous to Woolworths considering that Australia and New Zealand show economic stability. Based on gross domestic product, Australia and New Zealand are ranked 10th and 30th respectively the by International Monetary Fund (Mankiw, 2003). Customers are loyal to companies that meet their individual desires. These desires include preference for organic products over inorganic ones. These socio-cultural factors influence the companies’ strategies as they also desire to fully tap into the market. The purchasing power of the customers is good due to the economic stability that fuels the high standard of living. In addition, legal and regulatory factors such as policies favour the retail industry in Australia. It is these factors that make Woolworths a huge beneficiary. However,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

African American film genre analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

African American film genre analysis - Essay Example Broken Blossoms depicts the villain oppressing the innocent, in this case, his daughter. Her only comfort is the company of a "yellow man" who gives her moments of happiness although they are not romantically involved. The idea of a romantic link between the two characters of Lucy and the yellow man would be too much for the 1919 audience to swallow. The movie was also the last of the films which carried integrationist messages. These relationships were depicted as abnormal, unacceptable and impulsive. An example is Spike Lee's Jungle Fever (1991) sets its premise upon the attraction generated by the sexual mythology of different races. The movie runs the typical storyline wherein the lovers Flipper and Angie were the heroes, and racial prejudice was the villain (Bogle 2002).Interracial relationships have been depicted in film for almost a century. These films may or may not reflect the true temper and sensibilities of the periods when they were filmed. Oftentimes, interracial relati onships in films toe the line on what is socially acceptable. Otherwise, society through channels as the press and government would raise objections, protests and even civil action against the filmmakers and their actors.Interracial relationships in film are considered generally as part of the melodrama genre. Oftentimes, it depicts the battle between good and evil. There is the presence of the protagonist who is repressed by a villain. Those who are innocent are freed from repression and those that are guilty are duly given punishment. Melodrama engages in the discussion of social taboos, among which is interracial relationships. Most of the time, the lovers of different races would conform to the dictates of the period when the film was made. Although interracial relationships become increasingly accepted in societies, it is still not allowed in some U.S. states, notwithstanding the legal approbation to such relationships. It may not also be culturally acceptable to some people or communities. Thus, interracial relationships still encounter varying degrees of objection from various sectors. Thus, a film conforming to the period's norms, would tend to seek conformity from its interracial characters, with the lovers separating. If there is no convenient angle to achieve this conformity to moreses, then the characters may be killed of. In a sense, this also is an application of conformity, with the death of the characters symbolizing punishment for their transgressions (Rhies 2000). The cultural ideology regarding interracial relationships has changed through time. The acceptability of this kind of relationship today is greater than it was three decades ago. Originally, interracial relationships were depicted negatively, emphasizing false perceptions or stereotypes. This was the case with Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) . It is through such negative depictions that the adverse attitude of societies towards interracial relationships is perpetuated (Hodes). III. Film Analysis Guess Who's dealt mainly with the controversy of interracial marriage. At the time the film was made, interracial marriage was still illegal in some U.S. states. The movie broke certain stereotypes. Jack Prentice's being a doctor living in Switzerland may have been deliberate so that he would be suitable for marriage to Joanna, and that his character's only objectionable feature would be his race. John's character, to go against the stereotype image of the African-American of the time, was also a graduate of a top school, became an innovator in African medicine, did not engage in premarital sex even

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A contrast between opposing values in Hard Times Essay Example for Free

A contrast between opposing values in Hard Times Essay The first incident that involves the circus and circus people that I would like to talk about, and that clearly demonstrates the contrast between opposing values is on page 34 onwards. Mr Gradgrind, the absolute pinnacle of fact in the book, goes to visit the Circus people to tell them that the fanciful Sissy Jupe can no longer attend the school. I have chosen this incident as it involves more of the circus characters than really at any other time, secondly the description of the circus shows just how far from the world and values of fact it is. The circus is the best symbol for representing the alternative to all that is fact in the book; the circus is seen as a world of mystery and wonder almost of magic and idea that completely goes against the idea of facts. Gradgrind and Bounderby go to see Sissys father only to find out he has abandoned his daughter, it is then that Mr Gradgrind decides on the possibility of taking Sissy to his own home, and educating her in the ways of fact from there. Mr Bounderby and Mr Gradgrind get together during this time and have a conference of opinions based upon the fact and laws they have always followed, Gradgrind being softer at heart but still the fact machine at this point wants to take Sissy home, but Gradgrind can be heard to be saying No. I say no. I advise you not. I say by no means. He does this as he is the metaphor for fact throughout the book and to take someone elses child on as your own and teach them the ways of fact, when she has been living the life of fancy for many years seems absurd to Bounderby. However, at the same time that Gradgrind is having a debate about the matter with Bounderby, the various members of Slearys company gradually gathered together from the upper regions The circus people are described in this chapter as being remarkable gentleness and childishness about these people, a special inaptitude for any kind of sharp practice, and an untiring readiness to help and pity one another, deserving often as much respect, and always as much generous construction, as the every-day virtues of any class of people in the world. Unlike the likes of Bounderby and Gradgrind, who cannot be described as emotional or passionate or anything of the sort just plain hard facts Sleary in this chapter is the real philosopher on the ideas of fancy he even says it I lay down the philothophy of the thubject when thay to you, Thquire, make the betht of uth: not the wurtht! This chapter clearly show the contrast between opposing views and values in Hard Times, the circus shows a whole new world but is representative of a whole new set of values the ideas of fancy are represented in the themes and scenes with the circus. The thing is with the circus is that it has almost dreamlike status things happen there that cannot happen anywhere else and it appears to be an almost illusion, for example The father of one of the families was in the habit of balancing the father of another of the families on top of a great pole. These are the things that you would only expect to see in dreams and so therefore it is fanciful, a complete contrast to the ideas of fact displayed throughout the rest of Hard Times. A good example of how far opposed to the ideas of fact the circus is takes place on page 12 and 13 when, Mr Gradgrind the keeper of facts and bringer of knowledge to Thomas and Louisa Gradgrinds lives, catches them sat watching the circus people, he takes the view that the circus was bad news, as it opposes everything he stands for Now to think of these vagabonds attracting the young rabble from a model school. He sees the idea of the circus so fanciful and alien to him, he feels that to watch a circus act would be to debase himself or a well-educated child. It even says his own mathematical Thomas abasing himself on the ground to catch but a hoof of the graceful equestrian Tyrolean flower act! This sentence shows what the opposing values are fully in Hard Times, it is obvious from the statement that anything mathematical or just plain practical is in direct opposition to the fanciful nature of flower shows and the like. Thomas when caught does not even protest but knows that to obey his fathers principles he must [give] himself up to be taken home like a machine. That is clearly the way of fact to be machine like, and that is why the circus is such a good opposition and symbol of everything fact isnt, Gradgrind condemns circus like ideals when he says In the name of wonder, idleness and folly! apparently to dream or to be imaginative is lazy in Gradgrinds books. Which is why the factual way in which Gradgrind has based his life upon is so offended by the ideas of fancy as he doesnt like the thought of being considered as being not lazy but that there can be other ways to work hard in life. Gradgrind is so full of the idea that facts are right, that he even questions and believes that with all these thoughts at the disposal they could make the wrong decision, when surely it isnt a case of right and wrong? Just opposing views and they do oppose each other! Gradgrind does say though Thomas though I have the facts before me I find it difficult to believe that you with your education and resources should have brought your sister to a scene like this. This makes it seem as though education is supposed to kill the imagination, which clearly conflicts with the views of the circus, which believe that you should work hard and perform in life, but never let the dreams die.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Beiersdorf Ag And The Cosmetics Industry

Beiersdorf Ag And The Cosmetics Industry Beiersdorf AG (BDF), together with its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacture and distribution of branded consumer goods primarily in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The company operates in two segments, Consumer and Tesa. The Consumer segment offers skin and beauty care products under the Labello, NIVEA, 84, la prairie, JUVENA, atrix, Eucerin, FUTURO, Hansaplast/Elastoplast, and Florena brand names. The consumer division represents over 80% of the companys total value sales. The Tesa segment engages in the development, production, and marketing of self-adhesive system and product solutions for industrial customers and consumers. Beiersdorf Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1882 and is based in Hamburg, Germany. The group has around 17,300 employees and over 150 affiliates worldwide. Since 2003, the company has been part of the Tchibo Group. The group recorded revenues of 5,120 million during the fiscal year ended December 2006, an increase of 7.2% over 2005. The operating profit of the group was 477 million during fiscal year 2006, a decline of 15.8% over 2005. The net profit was 664 million in fiscal year 2006, an increase of 99.4% over 2005. This report analyses the economic aspects of the business of cosmetics and the consumer segment of Beiersdorf AG. 2. Introduction In 2006, the cosmetics and toiletries industry posted $163 billion, a growth rate of more than 5% over 2005 $155 billion. Euromonitor International forecasts average annual growth of 3% to reach global sales of more than $313 billion by 2011. (GCI, 2007). The industry continues to benefit from a combination of strong macroeconomic trends (including a worldwide rise in consumer spending power); key demographic factors such as aging populations and higher life expectancies; an increased interest in appearance and personal care as a means of preventive healthcare; and lifestyle and climatic changes that are creating opportunities for new product niches. Legislative restrictions are having a positive impact by improving consumer confidence and facilitating international trade, and technological advances are improving product efficacy and providing manufacturers with new marketing tools and advertising opportunities. 3. Competition and Markets Microeconomics: Porters 5 Forces Based on Porters five forces model which determines the intensity of the industry competition and profitability (Porter 1980, p3), Beiersdorf has an advantage in the cosmetics industry; their heritage and unmatched leadership in skin care through NIVEA has created an immediate stronghold over its competitors in the industry as well as differentiation. However the threat of substitute products and services could affect Beiersdorfs popularity. Threat of New Entrants Medium A large number of firms differentiate their products and maintain a certain degree of control over their pricing. This monopolistic competition has relatively low barriers to entry and exit. Government regulation, mostly related to safety issues, and distribution channels appear to be the most significant barriers to entry in the cosmetics industry. Beiersdorf has the advantage of economies of scale, an established supply and distribution channels and high product differentiation, to compete and have an incumbent advantage. The capital requirements of entry, customer and supplier loyalty, legislation, and retaliation are moderate, which indicate that a new entrant is hindered to enter the market and compete. To stay competitive, Beiersdorf needs to continually innovate. Threat of Substitutes High The risk of product-for-product substitution is high as equivalent product benefits are available both in generic and branded form. Beiersdorf has contended with this risk by continuous innovation and introducing unique formulations across global markets. Beiersdorf has worked to expand its presence in the global personal care market by promoting its flagship brand NIVEA, which launched a global marketing campaign last summer that intends to cover 64 countries by mid-2008. To increase sales by presenting consumers with innovative new products, Beiersdorfs expenditure on RD rose 7.6 per cent to 127m in 2007 and this investment is expected to help the company launch successful new products in the years ahead (Cosmetics Design, 2007). Bargaining Power of Buyers Medium Buyer (customer) concentration is moderate as product differentiation and distributed markets ensure relative price differences that ensure profitability. This indicates reduced bargaining power of the buyers. Loyalty to Beiersdorfs products is relatively high and the cost of switching buyers is medium. The risk of supplier acquired by the buyer is less as the products are proprietary formulations. Beiersdorf also differentiates through choice and first to market innovation. As such, they should be unwilling to accept compromises on quality. This will also be true for emerging economies, where, as they develop and innovation becomes a competitive differentiator, buyers will be less willing to compromise on quality. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Medium Ingredients are individually sourced from suppliers and blending them into unique proprietary products has traditionally been Beiersdorfs primary strength. Suppliers concentration is high with the added risk of buyer being acquired by the supplier. However, the cost of switching suppliers is moderate and overall, suppliers increasing costs is less impactful on the profitability. Competitive Rivalry High Despite an unfavourable environment in Beiersdorfs key region of Western Europe, the company has managed to consistently outperform global sales of cosmetics and toiletries over the review period and by one percentage point in 2006. Beiersdorfs global sales growth (6%) is above that of its direct competitors Procter Gamble and Unilever, although LOr al outperformed by one percentage point. However, like LOreal and other major global players, much of this growth is derived from emerging markets. This performance tends to demonstrate that Beiersdorfs growth strategy is successful. However, the degree by which Beiersdorf outstripped overall sales has lessened. It is essential for Beiersdorf to continually invest in RD to maintain their competitive differentiation and profitability. The recent revision of Beiersdorfs growth strategy indicates that the company identified the right targets for growth, both at product category level, such as with a focus on mens grooming products, and at a geographical level. The slight departure from the previous focus on North America seems wise, as sales in this region are forecast to remain sluggish over the period 2006-2011. On the other hand, increased efforts to launch Beiersdorfs brands in high-growth countries such as China and Russia should prove very beneficial. 4. Market demand and understanding the consumer The law of diminishing marginal utility holds for the cosmetics sector. A shift in the demand curve will be seen as a result of changes in demand due to factors other than price, such as increases in consumer income, changes in taxes on the product, changes in price or availability of competing products, and changes in expectations of future prices (Wilkinson 2005, p.82). Various elasticity concepts, including own price elasticity, income, advertising and cross-price elasticises of demand as well as consumer indifference curves are very important to the company as they influence the pricing and advertising strategies (Jones 2004, p.98). The demand curve for Beiersdorfs portfolio can be expressed as D1, displayed in Figure 3. P1Q1 represents the market equilibrium point for quantity and demand for the pricing strategy. Beiersdorf expansion of its market share in 2007 by focusing on product innovation and emerging markets with a special focus on the Chinese market was supported by high sales of Nivea Visage and Nivea for Men, and sales in China increased 45.1 per cent in 2007 contributing to a 7.6 per cent rise in the companys turnover to 5.5bn, indicated by an outward shift in the demand curve from D1 to D2. At this price point, quantity sold was higher (P2Q2). Sales were up 12.8 per cent and the jump in profits was also due to the companys logistics and production revamp, which has centred on its hair and skin care operation in Europe during the past two years. Thus, the demand curve may well have sloped more sharply upwards than it appears in Figure 3. This raises the equilibrium quantity from Q1 to the higher Q2. These curves demonstrate that Beiersdorfs overall revenue has grown considerably from 2006. In its financial results for 2007 the company reported sales of 5.5bn for the fiscal year, which adjusting for currency translated into a 9.1 per cent increase on 2006. Also, Beiersdorfs growth is driven by advertising and promotion, alongside heavy research and development investments. Faced with growing maturity in its key market Western Europe, Beiersdorf has not limited its growth strategy to product innovation. In addition, the company is focusing on alternative retail channels. 5. Market supply and understanding the companys costs Market supply is the aggregate of individual firm supply, determined by factors affecting firm supply. The market supply function for a product is a statement of the relation between the quantity supplied and all factors affecting that quantity (Hirschey 2005, p.110). With the dual aim of halving working capital requirements and saving costs, the Company embarked on a restructuring of its supply chain in 2005. Originally managed locally, all major supply chain processes, including planning, sourcing, production, delivery and returns are now moving towards more central management. Processes are being optimised, in order to reduce the time-to-market for new products, and products and processes are being standardised as much as possible to achieve economies of scale. In Europe, Beiersdorf has already adapted its production sites and logistics centres to reflect actual demand and has reduced overcapacity. For example, early 2007, the company sold its production and logistics facilities in France, as well as its Hamburg-based logistics centre and its Heitersheim-based soap factory both in Germany. In Asia, Beiersdorf conducted an in-depth analysis of its product and supply chain during 2006. It is expected to roll out its Asia restructuring plan in 2008. Meanwhile, on the back of beneficial business tax reform net profit leapt to 132m from 74m in 2006. Although Beiersdorf began to focus a large part of its efforts into strengthening its position in high-growth regions such as Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific, the company is behind many other international manufacturers. Many players identified the same areas as key targets over the last few years. Without first-mover advantage, Beiersdorf will have to match its competitors in terms of distribution, price and product support in order to reach new customers. 6. Market analysis, failure and responses Market failure is the situation where the market mechanism fails to allocate resources efficiently (Wilkinson 2005, p.473). There are a number of reasons why market failure might occur: inefficiencies, imperfect competition due to oligopoly in the cosmetics market, external economies and diseconomies of production, pure private and pure public goods; and government intervention in the form of taxation and subsidies to try and restore social equity while exercising other options such as legal measures and persuasion. Annual sales growth in the cosmetics and toiletries market has fallen gradually from 21.2 per cent in 2002 to 11.3 per cent last year to $20.9bn. Overall growth figures are slowing as the market matures although breaking down the figures suggests high double-digit growth is still achievable in the market for more sophisticated products. Picking out two categories for comparison, premium cosmetics sales increased 15 per cent last year whereas deodorant sales grew by only 8.2 per cent (Cosmetics Design, 2008). Beiersdorf should achieve growth figures in Central and Eastern Europe with targeted growing niches and expanded market share. In addition, Beiersdorf paid 269.45m in October for an 85 per cent stake in China-based C-Bons Hair Care, which owns the Slek and Maestro brands (Cosmetics Design, 2007). This will significantly strengthen Beiersdorfs market share in China. 7. Market structures and company strategies Economists classify market structures into four main types: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly (Wilkinson 2005, p.313). The cosmetics business is an oligopoly. With competitors such as Unilever, LOreal, Proctor and Gamble, Avon, Est e Lauder Cosmetics, and other large corporations, Beiersdorf attempts to maintain a technological superiority through path-breaking innovations and their highly successful soft-sell techniques. The constant research and development of cosmetics, combined with the universal human desire to look the best they can, suggests that the industry has great potential. The strategies used by Beiersdorf are an attempt to differentiate itself from other competitors in the industry. Despite an unfavourable environment Beiersdorfs global sales growth (6%) is above that of its direct competitors Procter Gamble and Unilever, although LOreal outperformed by one percentage point. This performance tends to demonstrate that Beiersdorfs growth strategy is successful. The recent revision of Beiersdorfs growth strategy indicates that the company identified the right targets for growth, both at product category level, such as with a focus on mens grooming products, and at a geographical level. The slight departure from the previous focus on North America seems wise, as sales in this region are forecast to remain sluggish over the period 2006-2011. On the other hand, increased efforts to launch Beiersdorfs brands in high-growth countries such as China and Russia should prove very beneficial. 8. Economic output and national wealth Economic output is measured with actual growth and potential growth. Actual growth may be defined as the actual annual increase in national product or real GDP per annum, normally expressed as a percentage or on a per capita basis. In contrast, potential growth is the annual increase in a countrys productive capability. Actual growth may fall short of potential growth if the economy is working at less than full capacity, which is if it works within its production possibility frontier. Economic growth is perceived to be desirable since higher growth benefits the population of the country. However, high shorter term economic growth using non-renewable resources, causes slow long term growth. Cosmetics industry contributes positively to the GDP due to its manufacturing activity. Beiersdorfs products are manufactured across the world and in all its major markets it has manufacturing facilities or agreements with affiliates. Beiersdorf also supports beauty salons and massage parlours with its professional products and thus indirectly supports local economies. 9. Economic growth and business cycles The global economy recorded sound growth in the early part of 2007. However, in late summer the ongoing slowdown on the U.S. real estate market triggered fears regarding the creditworthiness of financial market products and institutions in the U.S.A. and Europe. U.S. monetary policymakers moved to counter rising cyclical risks by cutting interest rates. Nevertheless, the drop in real estate prices, rising default rates for mortgage loans, and the jump in jobless rates at the end of the year led to a market slowdown in the growth of U.S. consumer spending and hence in the economy as a whole. Against this background, the U.S. dollar came under strong pressure in the second half of 2007. In addition, the euro appreciated significantly against the yen, impacting the international competitiveness of European companies. Continental European economies were dominated by robust growth in exports and investments and further improvements on the job market, but were impacted by an increase in inflation risks, fuelled by rocketing prices for oil, energy, and food. Figure 7: Inflation in 2007 Source: Beiersdorf Annual Report, 2007 The ongoing rapid expansions of the Chinese market, where growth rates are at about 12%, continue to offer sales opportunities for European producers. At the same time, Chinas growing demand for raw materials led to price rises on the global commodities markets. Although Continental Asian countries saw dynamic development, Japanese growth is below expectations. In Latin America, growth remained stable at around 5% in 2007, while in Eastern Europe it was 6%. Business cycles effect on Beiersdorf, as a factor of investment and consumer spend on goods and services, is limited as its products cater to virtually every age-group among consumers and its flagship brand NIVEA and its extensions as an umbrella brand have gained immense value and loyalty. It is true that mass-market cosmetics are not essential for life, however, the relative low-cost of the products, and the heavy reliance on image enhancement, especially in women, prompt that cosmetics would not be the first items to be forsaken in time of economic hardship. This makes the industry more resistant to recessions and other economic downturns. 10. Capital accumulation and technological progress In addition to Beiersdorfs acquisitions, the investments in operating activities amounted to 106 million relating to intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment in 2007. Innovative product development is a strategic factor at Beiersdorf for ensuring competitive strength and group growth, based on over 80 years of research and development. In 2007, the company spent 127 million on research and development (2.3% of sales). On a global level, 870 members of staff without C-BONS Hair Care are employed in research and development. 11. Labour markets and unemployment Though unemployment is creeping, unbridled inflation has played havoc with commodity prices and interest rate turbulence. This can lead to loss of jobs as companies may trim their expenses in an effort to counter inflation. Beiersdorf enjoys a healthy growth rate of over 6% against the industry growth of 4% average. There is no threat of unemployment and labour market issues for Beiersdorf due to its unassailable market share and brand loyalty across the world. The resilience of the economy could be impacted by unemployment, but is unlikely to directly impact demand for Beiersdorfs products, due to its strong heritage and the NIVEA brand pull. 12. Role of government and fiscal policy Government expenditure and taxation is the basis for fiscal policy. Cosmetics are regularly taxed and such taxes have a notional effect on demand of Beiersdorfs products. However, customs and import duties on raw materials and finished goods have an impact and the company appears to counter such effects with local manufacture and continued product innovations. 13. Role of government and monetary policy Since inflation and money supply determine the monetary policy, inflation is countered with a change in interest rates to affect a control on money supply. Beiersdorf indicates that currency, interest rate, and liquidity risks are subject to active treasury management. In most cases they are managed and hedged centrally. Derivative financial instruments serve solely to hedge operational activities and financial transactions essential to the business. The Company limits potential default risks relating to the investment of the Groups liquid funds by only making short-term investments with prime-rated counterparties. Consumer impact of monetary policy may affect spending on cosmetics. However, brand loyalty and preference for personal grooming offset any adverse impact. 14. Foundations of international trade The law of absolute advantage and the law of comparative advantage are the basis for international trade. Countries specialise in goods and services which they have the greatest aptitude for producing due to natural resource endowments, or because of the acquired skills of their workforce. These factors of production are largely immobile between countries so trade takes place in the goods which they produce. The terms of trade of a country might change as the result of a change in the composition of its exports or imports, or a change in the price of its exports or imports. For the former, businesses selling higher priced products such as software as opposed to low level manufactures would be one cause of an improvement in the terms of trade. This leads to the issue of free trade against protectionism, such as import tariffs, quotas, exchange controls, export subsidies and administrative barriers. Beiersdorf with 150 affiliates worldwide is a major player in international trade. It leverages inherent strength of each country it operates in and extends these advantages across its global markets. Beiersdorf projects that the consumer segment of its business will continue to enjoy growth of approximately 8 per cent due to its increased China focus, which is double the cosmetics market as a whole. China does not however carry the burden of delivering sales growth for the company alone and Russia, Brazil and India have been identified as fellow drivers for growth. This is more confident than the outlook of competitor LOreal which, on the back of recent results affected by the weak US dollar, pulled down its expectations for the full year to just under 6 per cent growth (Cosmetic Design, 2008). 15. Conclusion The cosmetics industry, business and market analysis, based on the 12 strands of the Grenoble syllabus, identify several important issues. Central to the planning and development of strategies within the business environment is based on an understanding and interpretation of micro- and macro-economic factors. Applying the above twelve economic factors to Beiersdorf performance, it is clear that market, governmental and global forces act upon the company, affecting strategic decisions. The business is consumer-oriented and market driven. Sustaining market share and ensuring growth in this free and highly competitive market requires continuous application of information analysis, strategic decision-making and rapid execution. Constant innovation, vast potential in emerging markets, maturing markets in Western Europe and US, varied preferences of consumers across global markets who also seek consistent quality and product standards, may result in dramatic shifts along the demand curve. An oligopoly, the cosmetics business thrives on capital accumulation and technological progress, ensured by economic growth, business cycles and international trade. Fiscal and monetary measures by the governments and labour issues influence the business to a limited extent. Beiersdorf is a successful global company in this sector and its growth and expansion over the decades indicates a healthy and competitive advantage.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Its Science vs. Politics in Stem Cell Research :: Persuasive Argumentative Essay Examples

The Patients' Coalition for Urgent Research (CURe), a consortium of three dozen national nonprofit patient organizations, reports that over 100 million Americans suffer from illnesses, some of them terminal, which may be treated by medical advancements in the area of stem cell research (1). The list of ailments includes cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, severe burns, spinal cord injuries, and birth defects. While scientists continue to look for treatments and cures for these diseases through new medicine, innovative surgical techniques, and gene therapy, perhaps the most promising research is being encountered on the frontier of human embryonic stem cell research. From the beginning of this research in animals in the early 1980's, stem cells have been celebrated for their nearly infinite potential in application towards the alleviation, and ultimately the eradication, of many branches of human illne ss and disease. Animal stem cell research and preliminary human stem cell research indicates stem cells as a source of self-renewing, undifferentiated cells that have the ability to differentiate into organs, nerves, blood cells, skin, eyes, hair - basically, any tissue or cell found in an adult mammal. So far, scientists have isolated and indefinitely grown stem cells and, to some degree, demonstrated the cell's ability to differentiate into numerous tissues and cell types. From this groundwork, the scientific community envisions that research using stem cells will lead us to the ability to grow entire organs for transplant to patients suffering from kidney, liver, and heart failure; neurons for patients afflicted with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease; tissue replacement for patients with damaged organs or severe burns; functioning islet cells that will produce insulin for patients diagnosed with diabetes; and the list continues. Because stem cells have the ability to differentiate into every ki nd of cell contained in the human body, their possible therapeutic effects have the potential to help hundreds of millions of people worldwide. However, where there is the most promise, there is also the most controversy, and the bridge between life and death relies largely on the compromise between science and politics. The case against human embryonic stem cell research rests upon the core argument that embryonic stem cells are derived from human embryos and, as such, are protected by ethical principles against human experimentation (2). Whether or not stem cells represent a viable source of human life recapitulates the same debate as the abortion controversy: the argument about when human life begins.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT All Quiet on the Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque is a first hand experience account of the war. The horror of the war and Remarque's own terrifying experiences and memories would certainly have effected what he wrote. All Quiet on the Western Front was published in March 1929, London. The late publication of the novel may have been due to the grief and trauma that Remarque experienced in the war. All Quite on the Western Front was written for the millions of men who fought for their countries. Remarque's intent, is to recount the pain and misery that the soldiers experienced during the war and to acknowledge their remarkable courage. Remarque does not mention any specific country or nationality in his book, in order for all soldiers to be identified as a whole, they all had the same goals and experienced the same fears, regardless of their nationality. â€Å" A generation of men†¦ who were destroyed by war† Remarque's comment would have been prompted by his own experiences of war and how he, like all soldiers were a generation destroyed by patriarchy, they fought for the love of their country. â€Å"Even though they have escaped its shells, (they) were destroyed by war.† Remarque means that they may have escaped the battle physically, but emotionally they are unable to escape the horror and the lasting effects of the brutality of war. Paul and Kat were two characters in the novel that represented the typical 20th century soldier. They dealt with malnourished and dealt with disease and death everyday, like most soldiers they had to come to terms with life at war and in the trenches. The soldiers changed a great deal, each day they had to become stronger and stronger as the war became more brutal. Comrade companionship is the one thing that kept the soldiers from falling completely apart. They strongly relied on one another to help them when injured, mentally and physically. They helped eachother by cooperating and sharing food. The soldier’s minds were re-adjusted due to the war and they knew that fate was in their own hands and the hands of their comrades. Paul felt truly at home on the front. He was seen as somewhat of a hero. He had a very difficult time readjusting when he was injured and sent home.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

George Frederic Handel :: essays research papers

George Frideric Handel   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George Frideric Handel was one of the greatest composers of the late baroque period (1700-1750) and, during his lifetime, perhaps the most internationally famous of all musicians. Handel was born February 24, 1685, in Halle, Germany, to a family of no musical background. His own musical talent, however, began to show before his tenth birthday. He received lessons from a local organist, the only musical instruction he would ever have. His first job was as church organist in Halle. In 1703 he traveled to Hamburg, Germany. It was here, in 1704, he composed his first opera, Almira. After achieving great success he soon felt the urge to move on to Italy, the birthplace of operatic style. He first stopped at Florence in the fall of 1706. Later on in the spring and summer of 1707 and 1708 he went to Rome, and in the late spring of 1707 he made a trip to Naples. In Italy Handel composed operas, oratorios, and many secular cantatas; he ended his Italian trip with the spectacular success of his fifth opera, Agrippina (1709), in Venice. Other Composers of George Frideric Handel’s Time Bach was a German organist and composer of the baroque era, one of the greatest and most productive geniuses in the history of Western music. In 1756 Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. One of the greatest composers in Western music tradition, Mozart began composing at age five. By the time he was 13, he had written sonatas, operettas, and symphonies. His works include The Marriage of Figaro , Don Giovanni, and The Magic Flute. Beethoven was one of the world's greatest composers was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770, Beethoven began to lose his hearing in 1802. By 1817 he was totally deaf. Beethoven wrote classical pieces greater than anyone else of his time like his third Symphony, Eroica and his Ninth Symphony. The Ninth Symphony, composed in 1824, begins with â€Å"void music† which may have originated in the silence and gloom of Beethoven's own deafness, but the symphony then explodes with a wonderful array of sounds. One of the most beautiful pieces of music ever composed. Arts and Architecture The Taj Mahal in India was completed in 1648.

Monday, September 16, 2019

What is an educated Filipino Essay

The conception of education and of what an educated man is varies in response to fundamental changes in the details and aims of society. In our country and during this transition stage in our national life, what are the qualities which an educated man should possess? Great changes have taken place in the nature of our social life during the last forty years. The contact with Americans and their civilization has modified many of our own social customs, traditions, and practices, some for the worse and many for the better. The means of communication have improved and therefore better understanding exists among the different sections of our country. Religious freedom has developed religious tolerance in our people. The growth of public schools and the establishment of democratic institutions have developed our national consciousness both in strength and in solidarity. With this growth in national consciousness and national spirit among our people, we witness the corresponding rise of a new conception of education – the training of the individual for the duties and privileges of citizenship, not only for his own happiness and efficiency but also for national service and welfare. In the old days, education was a matter of private concern; now it is a public function, and the state not only has the duty but it has the right as well to educate every member of the community – the old as well as the young, women as well as men – not only for the good of the individual but also for the self-preservation and protection of the State itself. Our modern public school system has been established as a safeguard against the shortcomings and dangers of a democratic government and democratic institutions. In the light of social changes, we come again to the question: What qualities should distinguish the educated Filipino of today? I venture to suggest that the educated Filipino should first be distinguished by the power to do. The Oriental excels in reflective thinking; he is a philosopher. The Occidental is the doer; he manages things, men and affairs. The Filipino of today needs more of his power to translate reflection into  action. I believe that we are coming more and more to the conviction that no Filipino has the right to be considered educated unless he is prepared and ready to take an active and useful part in the work, life, and progress of our country as well as in the progress of the world. The power to do embraces the ability to produce enough to support oneself and to contribute to the economic development of the Philippines. Undoubtedly, a man may be, and often is, an efficient producer of economic goods and at the same time he may not be educated. But should we consider a man who is utterly unable to support himself and is an economic burden to the society in which he lives as educated merely because he possesses the superficial graces of culture? I hope that no one will understand me as saying that, the only sign of economic efficiency is the ability to produce material goods, for useful social participation may take the form of any of any of the valuable services rendered to society trough such institutions as the home, the school, the church and the government. The mother, for example, who prepares wholesome meals, takes good care of her children and trains them in morals and right conduct at home, renders efficient service to the country as well as the statesman or the captain of industry. I would not make the power to do the final and only test of the educated Filipino; but I believe that in our present situation, it is fundamental and basic. The educated Filipino, in the third place, must have ingrained in his speech and conduct those elements that are everywhere recognized as accompaniments of culture and morality; so that, possessing the capacity for self – entertainment and study, he may not be at the mercy of the pleasure of the senses only or a burden to himself when alone. There are, then, at least three characteristics which I believe to be the evidence of the educated Filipino – the power to do, to support himself and contribute to the wealth of our people; acquaintance with the world’s progress, especially with that of his race, people, and the community, together with love of our best ideals and traditions; and refined manners and moral conduct as well as the power of growth.

Case Study Mcdonalds Essay

It operates over 35000 restaurants in more than 100 countries on six continents. 5 It has an unparalleled global infrastructure and competencies in restaurant operations, real estate, retailing, marketing and franchising. McDonald’s website says that it is a leader in the area of social responsibility and is committed to protecting the environment for future generations. 7 Strong and wide communication channel in the market. (deng, 2009) 8 Play areas for children. 9 Large target markets. 10 Recession resistant (Birchall, 2008) 11 In September 2003 successful backing up of new products was launched with MTV’s advertising campaign featuring the new tag line, â€Å"I’m Lovin’it†. (Jennifer, 2004) WEAKNESSES 1 McDonald’s has not achieved its growth expectations in past several years. Narrow Product lines. (deng, 2009) 3 McDonald’s brand association as a junk food. (deng, 2009) 4 Few option for healthy eating 5 High employee turnover rates. (macy, 2012) 6 McDonald’s also have some bad effects on environment. (ltd. , 2006) 7 McDonald’s also faces many types of legal actions on many issues. OPPORTUNITIES 1 Product packing for McDonalds now features QR codes for customers to get nutritional information. Mcnamara, 2013) 2 Opportunity to enlarge market, the consumers who care about health issue. (deng, 2009) 3 Slightly changing market brand image of McDonalds. (deng, 2009) 4 In 2009, McDonald’s launched its hefty Angus burger in all U. S. A locations. 5 Introduction of trans-fat-free French fries in all restaurants in the U. S. A and Canada. 6 Introduction of McCafe. 7 Testing marketing fruits and vegetables as happy meal at some outlets. 8 McDonald’s franchises overseas became a favorite target of people and groups expressing antiglobalization sentiments. Entry into new and highly popular product categories. THREATS 1 Public attack about obesity issue. (deng, 2009) 2 Changing taste of consumers. (deng, 2009) 3 Unable to keep patrons as special order sandwiches offered by rivals Burger King and Wendy’s. 4 Promotional plans like McDonalds game found conspiracy with 51 people charged in a part of scam winning $24 million by stealing winning McDonald’s tickets. 5 McDonalds showed a delayed effect than other restaurants operators in switching over to zero trans-fat cooking oil. In 2001 McDonald’s was sued for hurting religious sentiments by vegetarian groups for not revealing its flavors in French fries as it added beef extract to vegetable oil and showing it as veg in menu. 7 Consum ers began filing law suits that eating at McDonald’s had made them over weight. 8 Competition from burger kings and Wendy’s. (Thomadsen, 2007) MARKET SEGMENTATION TARGET MARKET| BABY BOOMERS| GENERATION X| GENERATION Y| GENERATION Z| DEMOGRAPHICS| 45-65+| 35-44| 19-34| 0-18| GEOGRAPHICS| URBAN| URBAN| URBAN| URBAN| PSYCOGRAPHICS| More concerned with low cholesterol food| More concerned with low fat food| More concerned with physical fitness food products| Generally eats taste oriented food products| BEHAVIOURAL| Mostly concerned with good quality of food products| Requires access with quick and fresh food service| Generally catch-up food by themselves by reaching out| Check out with friends and family| ISSUE ANALYSIS In 2004,Morgan Spurlock’s documentary film Super-Size Me gave very criticism to McDonald’s fast â€Å"nutrition†, in which he shows how he gains fat and destroy his health by eating McDonald’s. 2 In 1998 McDonald’s started â€Å"Made for you† System but it was not successful. There was a decrease in growth of sales in stores. 3 In 1999 before the implementation of â€Å"made for you â€Å"scheme ,McDonald’s planned to provide about 190 million in financial assistance to its franchisees ,but the actual cost of implementing the system ran much higher than the corporation had estimated. In 2001, 51 people were charged conspiring to rig McDonald’s game promotions over the course of several years, revealing that $24 million of winning McDonald’s game tickets had been stolen as a part of scam. 5 In 2004, McDonald’s was sued for extracting a small amount beef added in to the vegetable oil used for cooking French fries. 6 Many people still complain that the food served by McDonald’s is not hot to eat. RECOMMENDATIONS PRODUCT :- 1 McDonald’s should provide hot food to eat because many customers complaint that their food is not so hot to eat otherwise it will affect sales. McDonalds should bring some new healthier products for all ages because bad effect on health is one of the weaknesses of McDonald’s and bringing some healthier food will help to overcome this image. 3 McDonald’s should provide some free snacks because it will help it compete with its competitors and increase sales. 4 McDonalds should make their products in fat free oil because it will have good effect on health. 5 McDonald’s should also provide some regional food because in this way some rural people will also start accepting its products. Launching of new fried and bone in treats in Chicago. PRICE:- 1 The price of products should be affordable because if they will not be affordable to small income group then its sale will be affected and it will also give the opportunity to competitors to increase their sales. 2 The prices of products should be regularly checked so as to compete with competition because people will buy those products which they can get in low price. PLACE:- 1 McDonald’s should open new franchises in small cities also . It will help them to expand its business and increase growth. McDonald’s should increase the number of its franchises in all countries in order to expand its business. PROMOTION:- 1 McDonald’s should provide some discount on more products purchased because in this way people will buy more. Because some people will start purchasing more items if they can get discount. 2 McDonald’s should provide home delivery service because sometimes some people can’t go to store in order to pu rchase them. It will increase sales. 3 McDonald’s should provide online sale because in this way people can place their orders online. McDonald’s is working on new salads and wraps . (wong, 2013) 5 McDonald, s will test the new fried and bone in treats in Chicago. (wong, 2013) 6 Success of mighty wings in Atlanta. (wong, 2013) BEST RECOMMENDATIONS PRODUCT:- McDonald’s should provide some healthier food for all ages because health obesity is the major problem with McDonald’s . In this way they can get good image regarding health. PRICE:- Prices of products should be regularly checked in order to compete with competition because people will cheapest product. PLACE:- McDonald’s should open new small franchises at small cities also because it will help him to expand its business and increase growth rates. PROMOTION:- McDonald’s should provide home delivery service because sometimes people can’t go to store in order to purchase product. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography Birchall, J. (2008). McDonalds claims fast food sales fighting off slowdown. Financial times. deng, t. (2009, may). McDonalds new strategy on changing attitudes and communication. International journal of marketing studies, 37-42. Jennifer, R. (2004). online branding :the case of McDonald’s. ritish food journal. ltd. , n. m. (2006). ICCR sponsered proxy resolutions on genetically modified organisms gain recognition among shareholders at wendy’s McDonald’s . financial wire. macy, a. (2012). financing a remodel:a case of McDonald’s Franchisee. journal of case research in business and economics. Mcnamara, B. (2013). McDonalds give the people wha t they want. Nutrition business journal. Thomadsen, r. (2007). product positiong and competion:the role of location in the fast food industry. Marketing science. wong, V. (2013). will McDonald’s mighty wings fly? Business weak.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Film Analysis: Decalogue(10 Commandments) Essay

1)The Exodus’ literal meaning is the journey of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses. God wants the Israelites to not have other gods before Him because He, in the ways of the Exodus, has spoken to them. 2) Moses was subjected to death because of the pharaoh’s order to kill the first born son. His mother was scared for her first born to be killed so Moses was brought to the river and got dragged to the Princess palace. He got adopted even though she knew that he was a slave child. And from that event was Moses’ enlightenment shone. Through his life as a Egyptian child. Moses encountered God through the burning bush. God talked to him and told him that he was the chosen one, the one to free the Israelites. Moses disagreed because he doesn’t want to go back to Egypt and he’s already living peacefully in the desert camp. The Egyptians have many gods and they worship to of all of those gods. The Israelites has one God and was losing their faith to Him because of their torment of slavery. The desert people, on the other hand, celebrate as their form of worship; for great harvest. The plagues were: Plague of Blood; Plague of frogs; Plague of lice; Plague of flies; Plague of Pestilence; Plague of boils; Plague of hails; Plague of Locusts; Plague of Darkness; Death of the firstborn. God wanted the Israelites to worship only Him for what He has done and what He will be doing to them. God dictated the covenant to the Isralites, not negotiated. For He has a promised land to give to Israel. The Israelites complained that there were no food and water so Moses talked to God about their complaints. God sent manna from heaven which was the food for them. God then ordered Moses to break the rock with his staff from which flowed water. The two sons of Moses were Gershom and Eliezer. His father-in-law was Jethro and his wife is Zipporah whom he met from the desert camp when he escaped from Egypt. The Israelites spent about 400 years in Egypt. There were about 2.5 million Israelites that went out Egypt. They avoided the main road because the Egyptians would be ambushing them there to block them from escaping. The passover used Lamb to be sacrificed and eaten. Its blood would be shed on the top of their houses’ doors and be eaten at night of the Passover. From the bible’s scripture Exodus 13:21: â€Å"By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.†; And that was how they went out of Egypt day and night. The twelve sons of Jacob was Reuben, Gad, Joseph, Judah, Simeon, Levi, Zebulun, Issachar, Naphtali, Asher, Benjamin, Dan. The tribes were called; Reubenites; Gadites; Josephites; Zebulunites; Issacharites; Naphtalites; Asherites; Benjaminites; Kennizites; Levitites; Simeonites; And Judahites. 13) It was, for me, an epic movie. It amazed me how the people of God lived in Israel and how they went out of its slave order. The miracles of God are really touching stories. The movie was really great!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

History of Colombia

History of Colombia Colombia was inhabited by indigenous societies during what was known as the pre-Columbian period (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). These indigenous societies consisted of hunters and nomadic farmers, as well as the Chibchas (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). The Chibchas are known to be one of the most developed indigenous groups in all of South America (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). Santa Marta was founded in 1525, which was the first permanent Spanish settlement (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012).Santa Fe de Bogota was founded in 1538, and in 1717 it became the capital of the Viceroyalty of New Granada (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). The capital of New Granada is what is now Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). In 1808 Napoleon made his brother the new king of Spain and people in the Spanish colonies were not happy with it (Lambert, 2 011). Citizens of Bogota created the first representative council against Spanish authority on July 20, 1810 (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). In 1813 they got complete independence from Spain (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012).In 1819 Simon Bolivar defeated the Spanish in the war of Boyaca (Lambert, 2011). In 1819 the Republic of Greater Colombia was created and it included everything of the previous Viceroyalty of New Granada (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). Simon Bolivar was the first president and Francisco de Paula Santander was elected as vice president (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). The creation of the two main political parties, Liberal and Conservative, were led by conflicts going on between the followers of Bolivar and Santander (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012).Bolivar's supporters formed the Conservative Party, and Santander's followers created the Liberal party (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia, † 2012). Colombia's history is known to be filled with violent conflict (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012). Two civil wars were the cause of rivalry between the Conservative and Liberal parties: The War of a Thousand Days which took place from 1899 to 1903 and killed about 100,000 people, and â€Å"La Violencia† (the Violence) which took place from 1946 to 1957 and caused about 300,000 deaths (â€Å"Background Note: Colombia,† 2012).From the 1960s to 1980s the guerillas and cocaine production in Colombia started to increase (Lambert, 2011). The drug trade also caused a lot of violence (Lambert, 2011). However, at the start of the 21st century the situation in Colombia had improved after suffering a great depression in the 1980s (Lambert, 2011). Violence in Colombia also decreased after 2002 (Lambert, 2011). Works Cited Lambert, Tim. â€Å"Brief History of Colombia. † Local Histories. 2011. Web. 18 Apr 2012. United States. U. S. Department of S tate. Background Note: Colombia. 2012. Web. ;http://www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35754. htm;.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Porters Strategy and the internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Porters Strategy and the internet - Essay Example Economic value is important because it influences consumer decision to buy a product even above its production cost. Secondly, potential profitability is higher if a company sets itself apart from other businesses as much as possible from the benefits it offers, to the conduct of its business and to the necessary trade-offs it decides to make. A company’s ability to set itself apart from the rest in the market is also reflected in the way it makes and adopts business choices and practices that are integrated into and interdependent with the rest of the system making itself virtually difficult to duplicate. All of the above, however, is only feasible if the company adopts and maintains a continuity of direction repudiating if need be, emerging business practices that tend to veer it away from its established reputation and practices. 2.0Criticisms of the Strategic Positioning View There are several perspectives that conflict with the strategic positioning view of Porter. Barney (1991), for example, although essentially echoing Porter’s six-point formula for strategic positioning especially with respect to good value, uniqueness and inimitability, leans towards resource-based perspective rather than the market-based perspective of Porter (1996) (1991 p 106). On the other hand, Prahalad (1990) subscribes to the idea that a company that can easily adapt itself to the changing market boundaries by an ability to invent or enter new markets or swing customer choices has the more competitive edge.... A company’s ability to set itself apart from the rest in the market is also reflected in the way it makes and adopts business choices and practices that are integrated into and interdependent with the rest of the system making itself virtually difficult to duplicate. All of the above, however, are only feasible if the company adopts and maintains a continuity of direction repudiating, if need be, emerging business practices that tend to veer it away from its established reputation and practices (Porter 2001 63-78; Porter 1996 61-78). 2.0 Criticisms of the Strategic Positioning View There are several perspectives that conflict with the strategic positioning view of Porter. Barney (1991), for example, although essentially echoing Porter’s six-point formula for strategic positioning especially with respect to good value, uniqueness and inimitability, leans towards resource-based perspective rather than the market-based perspective of Porter (1996) (1991 p 106). On the othe r hand, Prahalad (1990) subscribes to the idea that a company that can easily adapt itself to the changing market boundaries by an ability to invent or enter new markets or swing customer choices has more competitive edge. This dynamism essentially conflicts with Porter’s advocacy for strategic continuity to preserve firm identity and reputation. For Prahalad, core competencies or a firm’s collective learning is the heart of a company’s competitive advantage as opposed to Porter’s strategic positioning. Pitt (2001) likewise believes that changes that are now taking place are too fast and the best thing that companies can do is not to rely only on tangible assets but more on intangible assets such as

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Islame Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Islame - Essay Example The Holy Quran addresses the concept of leadership and gives an Islamic view about how God sees human beings. One of the critical characteristics of good leadership emphasized by the Holy Quran is the issue of teamwork. â€Å"Bring me blocks of iron.† At length when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountainsides he said â€Å"Blow (with your bellows).† Then when he had made it (red) as fire, he said, â€Å"Bring me that I may pour over it molten lead.† (Quran, 18:96). On the other hand, one of the most important Hadiths about leadership is when the Prophet opined, â€Å"Each of you is a shepherd, and all of you are responsible for your flocks.† (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim) The verse and the Hadith have critical significance and relevance for Muslims in contemporary context. With the current global political, social and economic challenges, one will ask what Islam’s position is on leadership. From the verse and the Hadith, it is clear than teamwork forms an important characteristic of good leadership. According to the verse teamwork create unity of purpose and makes people

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cybercrime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cybercrime - Research Paper Example People want their personal information to remain that way, personal. But can this really be achieved? Daily there are headlines telling us of yet another story of information being stolen by a criminal or looked upon by the government. There’s also the issue of wiretapping phones and having hidden security cameras. Some time ago, AT&T mentioned, â€Å"While account information may be personal to you, these records†¦are owned by AT&T and it may disclose such records to protect its legitimate business records, safeguard others or respond to legal process.† (Lamb, 2011) As history shows, there are truly malicious people among us, and even the most meticulous people can make mistakes, and security experts are becoming very wary of the privacy future for America (Marks, 2008). With such statements, it’s easy to feel that privacy may as well become a thing of the past. Cybercrime can be done in different ways and can occur anywhere. There are two categories of cyb ercrime. The first type involves crimes in which information and communications technologies are the target of offenses. Examples of this are computer vandalism, viruses, and the like. The other type involves crimes where technologies are used as tools to commit an offense, such as computer hacking. These two types are the umbrella categories, but there are many other subcategories involved in cybercrime. The computer may be the agent of the crime, the facilitator of the crime, or the target of the crime. The crime may take place in one location or sometimes in a network of locations. The end results of this type of crime include, to name a few, cyber drug trafficking, child pornography, identity theft, and phishing. But exactly what is being done to fight this? One may ask. The President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Board (PCIPB) has come up with a draft plan for upgrading the nation’s cyberspace infrastructure. This strategy calls for the cooperation of home computer users, business users, state and local governments, with the overall goal being empowering all Americans to secure their portions of cyberspace. The executing of the plan requires six steps, they being: educating and creating awareness among users of cyberspace, producing more secure technologies, developing a large and well-qualified cyber security workforce, fostering responsibility among individuals for security at all levels, increasing accountability and updating security practices, and finally developing early warning and sharing of information that will help with early detection of attacks and leading to the appropriate response. The US also seeks to ask for the participation of foreign counterparts as well in a peer-to-peer dialogue that aims to make an effective business case for cyber security and attain successful means for partnering with governments on cyber security. (Washington File, 2002) Other states have enacted what is known as a â€Å"security freezeâ⠂¬  legislation which allows its citizens to lock their credit files against anyone who tries to open a new account or gain new credit, and they’re hoping this will keep thieves from exploiting stole Social Security numbers. (Lamb, 2006) There are also propositions of making of a â€Å"new internet†. â€Å"The whole notion of privacy and security has become so elusive that the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ara Pacis Auguste and Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus Essay

Ara Pacis Auguste and Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus - Essay Example The essay "Ara Pacis Auguste and Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus" focuses on the contrast of Ara Pacis Auguste and the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus. The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus is also constructed in marble and was used to encase the body of Junius Bassus. The figures on the sarcophagus are three dimensional and the figures wear draped clothing that does not show folds. In contrast the the Ara Pacis Auguste alter, the figures on the Sarcophagus have large heads but is not at all like the workmanship of that time period. While the Ara Pacis Auguste depicts gods, the Saracophagus of Junius Bassus instead depicts Christianity. When looking at the Arch of Constantine and the Synagogue Wall Paintings from Dura-Europos, Syria, the Arch is an enormous arch in Rome near the Colosseum and was used to recognize the victory of Constantine I in the Battle of Milvian Bridge. The arch is actually comprised of three architectural arches with the largest one in the middle. The pieces are from prev ious structures put together to make this one landmark. It is composed of columns that were detached while the bottom part of the arch is re-used from an older structure and the entire structure covers a huge part of area. The design on the Arch depicts Constantine next to other victorious good emperord as well as other people and symbols that represent victory in war. The Dura-Europos Synagogue was previously mistaken for a Greek temple. Instead of using the stone to use to portray characters through carving.... Some of the people in the paintings which are mostly dressed as Perisians have their eyes scratched out. Many think that the walls were used to educate others about the history of religion rather than a tribute like the Arch does. Looking at the wall paintings from the Villa at Boscoreale, Italy and the Catacomb Paintings of the Good Shepherd and Jonah from Rome, Italy, the paintings of the Villa are comprised of plaster. It shows a golden statue that pays tribute to Diana Lucina and other large golden vases. The coloring uses a lot of bright bold reds and gilded sections while other parts of the painting are more subtle and blend in which could represent its unimportance. The Catacomb Paintings of the Good Shepherd and Jonah is also a piece of Roman art were in common Christian burial places. The painting of Jonah is where he is thrown to sea. The lines are blurry as are the faces of the characters which is very different than the detail of the wall paintings at the Villa. While red is also a predominant color and the golden boat are similar to the works from the Villa, the paintings of both Jonah and The Good Shepherd both appear to be more weathered and less detailed. The Good Shepherd is blurry and faceless as well and the color tones are mostly earth tones with some bright casts of golden yellow. These paintings depict Christian stories so the common theme between the two works are of the importance of Christianity during these time frames. When looking at the Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius and the Sculpture of the Tetrarchs, the one of Marcus Aurelius is completely made of bronze. The entire sculpture stands upon a large platform with the horse's legs slightly lifted and Marcus Aurelius looking like a person of grandeur. The appearance is

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Personal Assessment Using Self-Assessment Inventories Essay

A Personal Assessment Using Self-Assessment Inventories - Essay Example It is better to accept those differences and use them towards my advantage (i.e. in coming up with better solution to problems) instead of imposing a rigid code of conduct. People with low tolerance to ambiguity also tend to make use of stereotypy, which I think is a negative way of analyzing people, ideas, or actions. My scores in the subscales reveal that the major source of intolerance for me is complexity, which is by far greater than my scores for novelty and insolubility. I do not fully agree with this result because I feel that I am comfortable with complexity. I feel the results for this subscale cannot be applied to all situations in my life as a formula, but I am not discounting the possibility that this may only mean that I am just less tolerant to ambiguity when the situation seems to be composed of elaborate and intricately interconnected parts. The Locus of Control test shows whether I believe the outcomes of my actions depend on what I do or on factors beyond my control. Since I got a low score (and indeed, it is even lower than the comparison data), this indicates that I have an internal rather than external control. I agree with this explanation and the test has been instrumental in making me realize that my attitude towards the forces responsible for the outcomes of my actions has been responsible for many of successes (as well as failures) in my life. I believe that blaming people other than yourself for your miseries is not only self-defeating, it hinders you to succeed and take control of your life. While I think luck does play some part on some people's success, I am not the type to sit around and wait for Lady Luck to call. I believe that the best way to succeed is to work for it-that way too, I can have control over the direction of my life. I believe that this attitude will lead me to become happier and more ful filled. Cognitive Styles The Cognitive Styles test has affirmed that I am an intuitive rather than a sensing person. My Intuition scores far outweigh that of my Sensation's, 7 to 1. This explains why I seem to prefer subjects that require complex and comprehensive understanding rather than those that appeal to the senses. I prefer to take in information through imagination rather than by details and facts. When perceiving my environment and gathering information, I prefer to explore different possibilities, rather than settle on a concrete set of rules. I now realize that this is the reason why I tend to do better in essay-type examinations rather than multiple choice/fill-in-the-blank type ones. I am also adept in finding symbolic representations in my surroundings-sometimes when I am walking my dog in the park, I will suddenly be struck with a sense of nostalgia-a single falling leaf can conjure poetic imagery in my mind. As to whether I am a thinking or feeling person, my test scores tied in both areas. Since I am male (and am therefore traditionally predisposed to being a thinker rather than a feeler), results suggest that I am more of a "feeler". I concur with this conclusion mainly because I feel that I am more in touch with my emotions than the average man. While it can