Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Forgetting the Pain :: World Peace Terrorism Essays

Forgetting the Pain The world as we know it is in dire need of serious changes in the way humans go about interacting with each other. This is often realized by leaders of generations who have become notable as a result of their dedication to progress in this field. Many who approach the struggle have different causes they stand behind, however the goal remains the same: to convince others of tolerance, acceptance, and equality. For Martin Luther King it was segregation, for Gandhi it was the British tyranny in India, and for me it is the hatred and murder between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians. Hatred begets hatred, violence leads to more of the same, and their will never be peace between Israel and Palestine until this becomes apparent to all parties involved. The history of the land is rich with culture and tradition, yet it is shadowed by the blood and countless massacres of the innocent. The roots of the land stretch deep and the religious fervor is intense, yet the weapons of destruction of past wars in this land are left standing as a reminder to the people of the long standing hatred and fear of yesteryears. Both the Israeli’s and Palestinians have been wronged. And neither seems to let that pain go. As each side feels more threatened, each results to more desperate measures, in hope of sending out the message â€Å" We will not sit down and die, and will fight to preserve our cause in any way we can.† Deaf ears on both sides receive and send this message. Just as when two people scream at the top of their lungs, fail to listen to each other. When talking to Israeli’s during my travels to their homeland for my senior year in high school, their plight became apparent to me, their hatred has spawned out of feelings of fear and distrust. For this, I cannot blame them. Their history is one of persecution, in fact some may argue that the very existence of Israel was created as a result of one of the greatest tragedies the world has known, which happened not but sixty year prior to present day. Their history in the land of modern day Israel has not been a â€Å"walk in the park† either. Dating back to the first settlements, which were purchased from Palestinians, was constantly raided and the inhabitants were slain.

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