Sunday, September 29, 2019

Type I and Type II Diabetes

Print off this document and answer the questions at the end of both parts. On the due date for this assignment, you will form groups in class and each group will be given a separate set of questions to answer. The in-class questions will be related to the questions In this document and will be answerable If you have answered the document questions. Activity Research the general facts of diabetes to better address Mooring's concerns. Your main objectives are the following: 1.Distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by comparing and contrasting heir definitions, bodily effects, warning signs, target groups, and current treatments in a table. Type I Diabetes* Type 2 Diabetes Definition Type 1 is caused by the body producing antibodies that attack the pancreas destroying the beta cells. Because of this the pancreas is not able to produce adequate amounts of insulin. Type 2 is caused by insufficient amounts of insulin production or a change in the resistance of tissues to the insuli n.Bodily effects (what does It cause In the body) Potential blindness or violins Impairment, neophyte (kidney damage), enumerator never damaged increased susceptibility to fugal or skin infections, foot problems, and issues with heart and blood vessels including risks of heart attack and/or stroke. Same as Type 1 diabetes with the addition of the complications with gestational diabetes in pregnant women such as upperclassman and high blood pressure. These may predispose the child to Type 1 diabetes. It may also increase the risk of Alchemist's Disease and hearing loss.Warning signs (what symptoms are seen that indicate diabetes) Weight loss even with an Increased appetite, noticeable mood changes or Increased Irritability, constant thirst followed by an Increase In urination frequency. Violins impairment and lack of energy/fatigue. Or infections and a darkening of skin on areas of the body. Target groups (what groups of people are more likely to develop DMS) People with a family his tory or are genetically predisposed. Certain viruses are linked to increased risk, such as mumps. Children between 4-7 and 10-14 are in a noticeable age group of reported cases.Additionally geographic location may also play into the risk. (being further away from the equator) People over the age of 40 or people who are overweight are in a higher risk category. Inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk. A family history of type 2 diabetes and race can also increase the risk. Some minority groups such as Hispanics and American Indians are more likely to develop symptoms. Current treatments Current treatments are the use of injecting insulin into the body through an insulin pump, syringe or other type of injector.Also using a balance of daily exercise, careful planning of meals and monitoring blood sugar levels. The most important treatment is a change in lifestyle. A balance of daily exercise and healthy planned meals to help weight loss and blood sugar monitoring. Som e people may still need insulin therapy or medications to help. Beers, Mark H. â€Å"Diabetes Mellitus and Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism. † The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. Whitehorse Station, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories, 2006. 1274-285. Print. Martini, Frederic, Kathleen Welch, and William C.It also boosts TAP production and the usage of the glucose as it comes into the cell; this will also increase the glycogen formation when there is an excess amount available. Also helps with protein synthesis, amino acid absorption, and advocates will in increase the intake of glucose to assist in in the synthesis of regicides. Martini, Frederic, Judi Lindsey. Nathan, and Edwin F. Bartholomew. â€Å"Chi 18 The Endocrine System. † Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2012. 621-23. Print 4.Answer the following question: Recent studies on mice have shown that fat cells produce a hormone called resisting that leads to insulin res istance. Researchers believe the gene that regulates the production of resisting is overactive in those suffering from obesity. How does this discovery correlate with Type 2 diabetes? (Explain how this is related to development of type 2 diabetes) As the fatty tissues increase the more resisting will be produced. As these 2 factors increase it will increase the insulin resistance of the cells and begin to show the early signs of Type 2 diabetes.This would explain why weight loss is an important factor in controlling diabetes. Diseases-conditions/type-2-did beets/bas CICS/risk-factors/con-20031902 1 . What should Morgan do? State what kind of diet/lifestyle changes Morgan should follow and explain why. Also briefly explain why she should not follow the other treatment routes. Include in your assessment the Atkins' Diet, a diet high in fiber and owe in saturated fat, and use of supplements containing the herb Phaedra (ephedrine). To help her choose the best diet to help her to make a life change versus Just trying a diet.It is important that she make a change that she can live with and most people don't stick to a diet over a long period of time. She will want to immediately replace her fatty snacks and foods with options that are high-fiber and low in fats. Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables are a good start for healthy meal options combined with limiting animal proteins and refined sugars. These steps in combination with exercise should be a big part of treating Type 2 diabetes. Based on information on the Atkins' diet I would not recommend it.Although it does help with the weight loss there are some parts of the diet that would not work with diabetes. One of the biggest risks is with ketosis and stones that are caused from the low Carr diet. Ketosis is an indication that your body doesn't have enough glucose for energy. This will cause it to use stored body fat for energy buy has unpleasant side effects that will make sticking to the diet difficult as well as releasing stones. Stones can build up over time and cause kidney damage which is already a risk with diabetes.Lastly Atkins' diet is controversial because of it being high in saturates fats that can over time cause issue with the cardiac system. Supplements can be beneficial but Just because it's over the counter does not mean that it is safe. Ephedrine is general is known to have some benefits but also known to have dangerous side effects in high does. Risks of stroke, high blood pressure, and retention of urine are all things that would already be risks of the diabetes but increased by its usage.

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